Sunday 1 February 2015

Saturday with My Best Friend

Saturday was a perfect day.  Linds and I slept pretty late, which I think we both needed.  We took it easy for the afternoon, because we were going out that night so I could meet some of Lindsay's friends from school!

After we woke up, Lindsay and I finished watching a movie we had started the night before.  We watched "Mystic Pizza," which I had never seen before!  Crazy, I know, seeing as I live right there in the summer.  It definitely made me miss Black Point and the warmer weather :).  Once we got dressed and moving for the day, we headed into the city for lunch at this really good chicken place, Nando's.  This is one of Lindsay's favorite restaurants, and it is really good!  After lunch, we walked around the city for a few hours to enjoy the beautiful day.  There were people everywhere! It was a little chilly, but so nice out, especially for January.  The temperatures are definitely warmer than what we are used to in Worcester!!  We stopped at a cafe for some hot chocolate to warm us up, and get a little something sweet to eat.  It was the cherry on top of a great afternoon.

When we were finished in the city, Lindsay and I headed back to her apartment to hang out for a little while.  We called some of our friends from HC to catch up, watched some TV, and just relaxed.  I kept telling Linds that she did not need to entertain me, I was having enough fun being with her!

We started getting ready for dinner around 7 PM, because we were meeting her friends at 9 PM.  We were going out with Emma, the HC girl we went our with on Friday, and Lilly, a York student from Wales.  I was super excited to meet more of Lindsay's friends from school, I had heard so much about them!  University of York is more like an American school, the students stay on the weekends, unlike the Irish students.  It is nice because Lindsay definitely has an opportunity to make friends with more English students than I do with the Irish students.

After dinner, Lindsay, Emma, Lilly, and I went to Evil Eye.  We were finally able to get in!  This place was such a cool bar, and supposedly it is Johnny Depp's favorite!  Evil Eye has some delicious drinks, all of which are made with fresh fruit.  First, we had a raspberry drink, a Fruity Collins, and my second drink was a blueberry one, a Murder in a Hurricane (weird name, I know).  They were amazing!  It was a really fun night and I loved Lindsay's friends, they seem so fun, and they were all really nice.  I can see why she loves York so much :)

It was an early night for us, because Sunday was a day of travel for me back to Cork.  Be back soon!



 Sweet tooth break :)

Lindsay and me at dinner!

Evil Eye Lounge

 Linds and me at Evil Eye.

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