Saturday 14 February 2015

Is it the Weekend Yet?

Thursdays, per usual, are really boring for me.  It is a day full of class, so nothing really gets done.  But, I am so relieved when the day is over, and it is finally the weekend!

My first class was cancelled, so that was a plus.  I got to sleep in!  I feel like I am always sleeping in late here in Ireland.  I think it is because I am essentially half on US time still.  I stay up so late on FaceTiime calling everyone at home at an hour that would be evening for them, but early morning hours for me.  But, I really do not mind this at all.  I love being able to catch up with my family and friends, as if I were still at home with them!  The rest of my day went by so quickly.  I came back home in between every class, which definitely makes the time fly!

After classes, I went to the gym, came home and had some dinner, and just hung out.  Orna was at the apartment for the night, which is rare because she tends to leave Thursday afternoons.  She and I hung out for a little bit and just enjoyed one another's company.  We were both pretty sleepy, so we were taking in the relaxing night.

A lot of my friends went out on Thursday, but I stayed in, getting ready for the weekend.  Carolyn was coming to Dublin in two days!!  I was so excited, I cannot believe it is already time for her visit! I feel like I just left home, but it has been SIX weeks, so crazy.  While everyone was out, I called Lindsay and caught up with her about her week, and planned her visit to Ireland a little bit.  After, I called Allegra and Anne and caught up on their lives at HC, and heard about the mountains of snow they had (and the more sow that was about to come).

It was a very chillaxed night for me!  Just what I needed :).

Be back soon!



Dreary day in Cork :(

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