Tuesday 3 February 2015

Movement-less Monday

Mondays are never too exciting for me here!  It was a dull day, and who really loves Mondays?  But, a Monday in Ireland are better than one in the snow!

I had class at noon, and I seriously cannot stand this class.  The professor is so boring, and unbelievably quiet!  But, it is my only class on Mondays, so, I survived.  After class, I went to the gym for a long workout, which was a great way to start the week.  Having a late class, and then heading to the gym after, makes the day go by very quickly!

When I got home, I caught up with my roommates, Orna and Meadhbh, who I had barely seen in the past week!  Whenever the three of us get together and start chatting, we never move.  I get along with the two of them so well, and I could not be happier to be living with them!  It definitely makes my time in Ireland even more enjoyable than I could have never imagined.  It took me a few hours to get settled in after the gym, and by the time I showered and called my family, it was 9 PM, and I was just sitting down to dinner!  I have been really lazy lately during the week with making meals and eat eggs for dinner all of the time, so, eggs it was.  Hey, Dad, want to magically send me some of your delicious dinners from home?

Sunday was a late night because I ended up watching a lot of the Super Bowl (or as much as I could make out from the poor connection online), so it was an early night to bed for me!

Be back soon!



Winter in Ireland on the River Lee, not too bad!

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