Monday 23 February 2015

RAG Continues

Wednesday was a day full of nothing for me.  I was so worn out from the first two days of RAG Week, that I needed something low key!

I had two classes Wednesday, Political Sociology and Sociology of Media.  I found it so funny that professors were actually thanking us for attending class.  I guess RAG Week really is a time when there is very little class attendance going on!  I liked getting back into the swing of things with class, though.  I am a very routine person, and this provided me a little more routine than I had had all week.  Final assignments are beginning to be handed out as well, so I did not want to miss any information regarding those.  I cannot believe we are already discussing FINALS.  I feel like I just got here!

My roommates went out starting at 4 PM, and I definitely could not do that, I do not know how they had the energy!  I was exhausted already and it was only Wednesday!  Instead of RAG Week events, I decided to stay in and do some summer job applications.  Finding a summer job seems impossible, I am applying to as many places I can find.  Applications took up a majority of my night, which I did not mind.  I was hoping I would be some what productive, and I was, thankfully!  Maybe this work will pay off...

It was a very non-eventful day, just what I needed!  Be back soon!



Crazy campus filled with RAG Week festivities! 

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