Monday 2 February 2015

New Discoveries

Thursdays, here we go.  This is my long day of classes, but, I was lucky this Thursday.  My first class of the morning was cancelled!  I have yet to experience the marathon of my Thursday schedule in its entirety.  Well, there is always next week!

My schedule this Thursday went from 12-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7.  Having an hour in between each class is very awkward timing.  If I go back to my apartment, I am running around, but then, if I sit on campus, I am looking for something to do.  So, this Thursday, I decided I would explore the hangout places UCC has to offer in order to kill some time.  I was pleasantly surprised with what I found!  I discovered two new eateries on campus, Elements Cafe, and the "Rest."  Both were really nice, and had WiFi, an even bigger plus.  I felt like a real college student in Ireland, hanging out in the cafeteria with my (American) friends.  Maybe I am not so Irish yet, there is still the lack of Irish friends, but hey, maybe I'll get there by the end of the year.

After classes and exploring UCC, I went to the gym, then came home and made dinner.  Having class get out at 7 PM makes for a late night, but luckily, it then was the weekend.  When I got back to my apartment, Jane and I decided we would book some trips for the semester.  One we have really been holding out on booking was Interlaken, Switzerland.  We decided this was our first priority.  After making it officially official, I got so excited!  Interlaken looks like a winter wonderland, with so many fun snow activities.  Jane and I are going together the weekend of March 6th.  We were planning on going early in the semester, because we thought that maybe there would be an HC event with our advisor this specific weekend in March, but, everything worked out perfectly.  Plans are starting to fall into place, and this semester will be a busy one!  I cannot wait to see what it has in store for me :)

Be back soon!



Elements Cafe

Snow/rain? I don't know, all I know is that is was very cold!

The "Rest"

My attempt at an omelette... 

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