Wednesday 11 February 2015

Crashing in Cork

Thursday was a crazy day.  It was a full day of classes, and they day before I left for the weekend trip to the Ring of Kerry.  I had lots of getting ready to do!

I stayed on campus for a majority of the day.  I am actually really enjoying my time on campus, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies.  In between one of the breaks, Nicole and I went to Cafe Depeche.  This is one of my favorite coffee places in Cork, and I went all the time last semester.  It was so good!  This place is such a tiny, full of character, adorable coffee shop.  It was a great little afternoon pick me up.  Before my last class, Jane and I decided to book the rest of our April trip!  I am so happy that we finally have this nailed down.  Our itinerary is scheduled as starting in Rome for Easter with my family, to Sicily (with my family), to Athens, then to Mykonos.  Warm weather, I cannot wait to be with you again!!!!!

During my last class of the day, I encountered some MAJOR difficulties.  My computer was crashing...and I was freaking out!  This was horrible timing because I had just made a file of all of our travel information on my computer, thinking I was being organized.  Thank goodness I have a patient family, because they definitely had to deal with lots of hysterics and panicking Thursday night.

It was not my week, first my glasses, now my computer.  Hopefully the weekend would be better!!

Be back soon!



Coffee break with Nicole! 

A beautiful day on the UCC campus (pictures: Honan Chapel).

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