Thursday 12 February 2015

Ring of Kerry, Commence!

Friday morning was crazy.  I had to go get my computer fixed and get ready for the weekend away.  I was really excited for this trip, though.  It is so nice getting out of the city sometimes, being reminded of how beautiful the countryside is.

First things first, finding out what was wrong with my computer.  So, during my last class, my computer screen would not start up, it would only flash a question mark.  I had a feeling that this was a hard drive issue, which is never a good sign.  When I woke up, I went straight into the city to the computer store.  I have a MacBook, and there is no Apple Store here, so I had to go to an Apple reseller place.  It seemed legit, and I was desperate.  When I arrived to the store, my computer started working, I felt like such an idiot!!!! I was up for hours the night before trying to get it to work, and there was nothing.  At least it worked, that was all that matter.  I decided to get a coffee and take my time before I had to leave for the Ring of Kerry.  It was such a nice day out.  When I got home, however, I experienced some technical difficulties, again.  My computer stopped working....AGH!  At this point, it was 12:45 and I was leaving my apartment for the trip at 1:30.  I quickly ran to get a taxi and get back to the computer store.  The man working there recognized me, and saw my panic.  He took my computer to get fixed and I was off!

I made it to the bus in time for my trip, and I was ready for the weekend to begin.  Holy Cross pays for one big trip for us throughout the semester, and the Ring of Kerry has always been the one that Shane, our advisor, takes us on.  There had to be over 50 American students on this trip this weekend, a majority of them being Loyola Maryland kids.  I was really looking forward to meeting more people!

Our first stop on the journey was some caves!  These were known as Crag Caves.  These caves are millions of years old, created out of limestone.  We were taken on a tour though these caves, which was really interesting.  I did something like this in my Early Start class, the Mitchelstown Caves, which I thought were a little cooler, but this was still a neat stop!  After the caves, we drove to the hotel, the Ring of Kerry Hotel.  The drive there had some of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen.  There were snowcapped mountains everywhere, with a pink sky.  Ireland is seriously a little piece of heaven.

When we got to the hotel, we settled into our rooms and had an amazing dinner in the restaurant downstairs.  I was having so much fun, and it was only the beginning.  Once we ate, it was time for a little Irish culture lesson for us.  First, there were some local Kerry Gaelic Football players that came to talk to us and teach us some skills, and next, there were some Irish dance lessons.  It was so much fun, and very tiring!

We headed to bed after the full night of events, we had a long day on Saturday!

Be back soon!




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