Thursday 26 February 2015

Dinner Dates

Wednesday was SO beautiful out.  It was about 55 degrees and sunny.  Spring, is that you I sense?  I love this weather so much, I will embrace as much as I can get!

I had a good day of classes, and I was halfway through the week!  Copenhagen was almost here, thank goodness.  I was so excited for the weekend.  Lindsay was meeting us from York, and I could not wait to see her.  It had been five weeks since I had seen her, which is too long for us  !This was a long week of job applications, and I needed some de-stressing.  I should not be that stressed while I am here, but having actual work to do for the first time in forever will do that to ya.

My roommates had a stressful week as well, so we decided to go out to dinner and take a break from everything.  We are trying to spend as much time with one another as we can before these next two months are over!  That is so scary to say!  Dinner was really nice, and it a awesome to relax and not think about jobs, school, leaving, nothing.  My roommates are a great at cheering me us and always having a good time with me :).

After dinner, I ran into Julia and Jane.  They were going to a pub for a drink.  I decided I would join them.  We went to The Rock, which is right near our house.  I didn't stay long, but it was fun to check it out and shed what was going on!

Tomorrow is Thursday, one more day closer to Copenhagen!  Be back soon!



Jane, Julia, and me at The Rock.

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