Saturday 14 February 2015

Quiet Day

Mondays are really not exciting for me here in Cork.  I have a class right in the middle of the day, so not much gets done.  But, I kind of enjoy it, it allows me to regroup after the weekend!

I still had no computer, unfortunately.  When I called the computer store, they told me there was not a technician in all weekend, so they were unsure what the problem was, and it  would not be fixed until Wednesday...classic Europe.  Not the news I really wanted to hear, but, at least it was getting fixed!  This meant that I needed to survive through class without a computer, which normally I would be fine with, but Mondays is when I have class with my super boring professor, so I tend to distract myself on the internet.  I guess I will actually have to try and pay attention!

After class, I headed to the gym for a little while, and then had a very quiet evening.  I was pretty wiped out from the weekend still.  As fun as it was, the trip was a little exhausting.  I need to get back into my traveling ways and learn to function on little sleep!  I was a pro last semester!

That evening, I came home and tried out a new recipe I found on Pinterest.  It was a quinoa, crushed tomato, brussels sprout, sausage concoction.  It was really easy, and so delicious!  When I finished eating, I just hung out with Orna and Meadhbh and caught up on our weekends.  I am so lucky I have great roommates like them to come home to :).

It was a quiet night!

Be back soon!



The veggie stand on my street that I always talk about.  I am here all the time, it is so convenient! 

Such a nice night. 


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