Sunday 22 February 2015

"My American"

Tuesday was a lazy day for my entire apartment.  We were all so pooped from the first night of RAG week, we did feel like doing anything.  This was pretty easy to do because it was a dull day, weather wise.  My roommates and I just hung out with one another!

Orna and I did a little grocery shopping in the afternoon at some of the local vendors in our neighborhood.  I stopped at Con's Veg, my favorite veggie stand, and the butcher down the road.  The butcher helped me pick out some beef to make a stir fry for dinner, I think he could tell I had no idea what to buy when it comes to beef.  He was really helpful and nice!  It is so convenient having these two places so close by, especially when I do not feel like walking into the city to the English Market.

Later that day, I went to the gym to be a little active because I knew I would have another long night ahead of me.  After the gym, I quickly had dinner (my beef stir fry, which came out pretty good!), and then my roommates and and I were out for the night.  Orna was taking me to her friend's house for "pre-drinks," also known as "prinks."  This was my first Irish "house party," and it was so different from a house party in America.  It was very casual, people sitting around a table just enjoying a drink.  Nothing loud, crazy, or out of control like the ones back one.  It was so funny, Orna kept introducing me to everyone as "Caitlin, she's American."  She kept saying this to ever person I met, and at one point she accidentally introduced me as "my American."  It was so funny!  I guess being an American is an exciting quality!

The girls and I went out downtown from Orna's friend's house.  The city was packed with people.  I was really tired, and not really in the mood to be in a crammed bar, so hopefully it would not be that long of a night.

It ended up being fun!  RAG week is definitely exhausting.  Be back soon!



The roomies out! 

Orna and me! 

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