Monday 2 February 2015

Havin' a Ball

Tuesday was the night of the dance for us here in Cork!  This was dance, known as the Languages Ball, was sponsored by the International Society.  So, really anyone could go!  I was so excited for the night.  An evening of drinks, dinner, and dancing, what more could I ask for?

I went to my Folklore class in the morning at 10 AM, and then to the gym.  I never thought that I would say 10 AM is an early class, but for some reason, it feels like one here in Ireland.  I know, that sounds crazy!  I think I am still on US time, or something, because I cannot do mornings anymore at all.  But, I guess I should embrace the sleeping in while I can, because next year at HC will definitely be different!

Later in the afternoon, I had to do some internship stuff before going to the dance.  It is so weird to be thinking about what I will be doing this summer, I can barely think about the semester ending!  After getting some work done, it was time get get ready!  Meadhbh, my roommate, helped Jane and me get dressed and all put together for the night.  We were running a little late, so it was definitely a mad dash to get dressed.  We had to be at UCC by 6 to catch the bus that would bring us to the hotel where the dance was.  Chelsea, Nicole, Jane, and I walked over together, and we were off!  Let the night begin!

The dance was really fun!  The hotel served a really good three course meal, there was lots of Ferrero Rocher, champagne, and we met more American students!  It was fun to partake in a special UCC event like this.  We were all saying that events like this is what we will remember when we are back at Holy Cross thinking about our year abroad.  It is a unique event specific to UCC!

It was a late night at the dance, but so worth it!  Be back soon!



 Nicole and me before the dinner!

We clean up nicely :)

The dance theme was Heaven or Hell, hence the devil horns.


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