Wednesday 25 February 2015


Saturday was beautiful out, it is beginning to feel like warmer weather is approaching in Ireland!  I definitely picked the right year to go abroad when it comes to weather back at home...

I still was not feeling 100%, so I took it easy on Saturday.  I needed lots of sleep and no plans in order to kick this cold.  I was starting to travel next week, so I really needed to get better!  I felt that I needed to be somewhat active for par of the day, however, so I went to a spin class later in the evening.  It was another one of the color spin classes, where the difficulty depends on the color the instructor yells out.  It was so hard, but really fun and an incredible workout!  I was so happy I went.  It was nice to get out and enjoy part of the beautiful day.

After spin, I walked through campus, and get this, it was EMPTY.  RAG Week definitely did a number on the UCC student population and no one was around all weekend.  It was so nice and peaceful.  Campus looked absolutely gorgeous, too.  There were blooming flowers everywhere.  Spring is in the air, and I don't mind it!

As a late night snack, Jane and I tried out a new mug cake recipe, it called for lots of Nutella, YUM.  I was enjoying the very quiet weekend A LOT.

Be back soon!



Budding flowers, and blue skies!


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