Friday 20 February 2015

Care Arrives!

Saturday was the day Carolyn was coming to Dublin!  I have an AWESOME sister who spends her long weekend flying 3000 miles to see me.  I was so excited for her to get here!

I left Cork at around 7 AM, getting me to Dublin at 9:30.  Care's flight got in really early, so she was there waiting for me!  I met her at the hotel we would be staying at, the Dawson, and I could not have been happier to see her.  It was the first time I was seeing family in six weeks, which I know does not should like a long time, but it sure feels like it!  When we met up, we were both really hungry.  We stopped at a cute cafe right next to the hotel, Hatch and Sons, for some brunch.  They are famous for their sandwiches on Blaa bread, so I had one of those, and it was delicious! We took our time eating, as well as loading up on coffee.  Our hotel was not ready yet, so there was lots of time to relax.

After having our brunch, Carolyn and I decided we would walk around the city for a little bit.  The weather was absolutely beautiful out, thank goodness!  It would have been such a bummer if Care came and it was rainy!  We took advantage of this gorgeous day and walked to the Temple Bar Food Market, an outdoor area with various food vendors, and took in the scene, and admired the scones (they looked incredible).  Once we left the market, we shopped around the city for al little while, finding some neat stores down the many side streets in Dublin.  Carolyn had put together a "tea crawl" for us, consisting of many different bakeries in the area.  So, we thought we would find some of the ones near by, in order to kill time.  We ended up finding one very close to where we were exploring called The Queen of Tarts.  Obviously, we got one of their baked goods.  We cannot go to a famous bakery and not get one!  The two of us shared a scone, and it was so heavenly, and fluffy, and delicious.  The scones in Ireland are the best in the world!

Once we finished our morning walking around, we went back to the hotel and checked into our room.  Care was sleepy from her flight, so she took a nap while I did a little work for HC (I had yet to tell them what classes I was taking...oops!).  We needed a little time to lay low, especially Care who travelled all night!  After relaxing for a few hours, we cleaned up and got ready for the night.  There was a big rugby match going on between Ireland and France, so we figured we would head to a pub to catch some if the game before our dinner reservations.  The city was buzzing with French people!  We ended up going to a cool bar called the Porter House, right near Trinity.  It was so packed, we could almost not get a table!  Luckily, it worked out and we found some seats to enjoy the game and a pint.

Carolyn set up a 6:30 dinner reservation for us at L. Mulligan Grocer's, where we went with my parents in October, as well as where I took Allegra and Anne.  It was our Valentine's Day date :).  I love this restaurant, the food and atmosphere are both so great.  Care and I had an awesome time!  To end the night, we went to a wine bar at this place called Fallon and Byrne, for some dessert and after dinner drinks.  I have a feeling this is going to be a gastro weekend, which is fine by me!

It was a perfect day with my sister, and there is still much more to come!  Be back soon!



Pretty flowers at Hatch and Sons. 


So many flowers for Valentine's Day!

My Valentine at Porter House :)

Wine bar time!

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