Saturday 14 February 2015

Movie Night

Wednesday was a roomie night for Orna, Meadhbh, and me!  We had been planning on going to the cinema in Cork to see Selma, the Martin Luther King Jr. movie.  The girls were so excited to take me to my first movie in Ireland!

I had three classes on Wednesday.  My first one was Political Sociology, and then I had Sociology of the Media twice later in the day.  I don't mind my Wednesday schedule, and it also means that I am so close to the weekend.  I love not having classes on Fridays, hopefully I can keep that up when I get back to HC!  Also, classes were a little more bearable because my computer was fixed!  There apparently was a loose cable, and the technician was able to save everything.  Thank goodness!!!  Not knowing what was wrong with my computer was very stressful, and luckily my family was very patient and listened to my (many) panics.  Thank you, family!!!!

After classes, I came home and had dinner, and then headed to the movies with Orna and Meadhbh.  I love going to the movies, and thankfully, so do they.  We were going to see Selma, the movie about the March on Montgomery.  After watching the Grammys and seeing the performance of the song from Selma, Orna, Meadhbh, and I were all anxious to see the film!  I was excited to see what the movie theater (or, "cinema," as they say in Ireland) was like.  Tickets are really cheap, especially with a student card, but the snacks are really expensive.  But, you cannot go to the movies and not have popcorn and candy, so it was a special treat!  The movie was pretty good, however, I enjoyed it more seeing it with my roommates.  The had little knowledge of Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he did, and after the film, they had so many questions for me.  It was interesting because I told them that I have learned about this in school for as long as I can remember, so I am almost numb to it.  They were so moved by the film and wanted to hear all of the speeches from then, see the pictures, and learn about Martin Luther King Jr. even more.  It was really awesome of them.

It was a great night at the movies, and I love being with my roommates.  I am so lucky to live with Orna and Meadhbh, I do not know what I would do without them.  They are my family away from home!

Be back soon!



Cork Cinema!


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