Saturday 14 February 2015

New Friends!

I love my Tuesday schedule this year.  I have an early class and a late class.  This gives me the entire afternoon free to workout, grocery shop, and get stuff done!

My morning class was Folklore, and I really enjoy this class!  It is really interring, and I am learning about many Irish traditions and myths.  This is definitely something that I could never take at Holy Cross, which I think is great about some of my classes here.  They are very unique.  After my morning class, I went to the gym, and then the City Centre for some shopping.  I went to Marks and Spencer as well as the English Market.  These are definitely my two favorite grocery stores.  I picked up some food for dinner, I was making a beef, brussels sprouts, asparagus, and rice dish.  It came out really well, and I had leftovers, which means I did not have to cook on Wednesday!  I also went clothes shopping while I was in the city.  Ugh, I have a shopping problem.  I love the store River Island, and I get so drawn in whenever I walk down there.  I always buy something because I will not have the store next year, it is so bad!!!

Later in the evening, Julia and I went out to Cafe Mexicana, the Mexican restaurant I brought Sarah to, for drinks.  They have awesome sangria, so Julia and I thought it would be fun to have some before going out for the night!  After drinks, we headed to Leeside, the apartments where our San Diego friends used to live, because we were meeting with new friends from Loyola, who ironically live there now!  Julia has a friend from home that is studying in Cork this semester, so we were all going out together.  It was a really fun night, and the Loyola kids are so much fun!  It is nice meeting more Americans!  We were so sad to see the USD kids leave first semester because we thought it would be hard to meet new people.  So, I am really happy we have met more!

It was an awesome night filled with lots of laugh and great times.  Be back soon!



This was my favorite book when I was little, and I have never seen it in a store.  I was so excited I had to send a picture to my mom, it reminded me of her :)!

Coffee break! 

Exploring the city.

Drinks with Julia at Cafe Mexicana.

Julia and me with Jackie, our new Loyola friend!

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