Sunday 1 February 2015

Getting Back in the Routine

Monday was a day that I think I was finally finding my routine.  I only had one class, which was really nice.  It gave me the chance to get a little organized around the apartment and start to get my life back in order!

After class (the most boring class in the world), Jane and I went to the gym for a little while.  It is so convenient, the gym is right across from my class.  I can't not go when I am essentially already there.  The gym is such a far walk from my house, so having class in this specific building gives me some sort of motivation to do physical activity on a Monday.

Once I finished up at the gym, Jane and I headed to the City Centre to get some errands done.  We had a dance to go to on Tuesday, and needed to buy some accessories, like shoes and jewelry, to go with our outfits.  We were definitely successful with our findings, and I was getting really excited for Tuesday night!  I do love any excuse to dress up :)

Jane and I were both pretty wiped out and did not feel like making dinner, so we decided we would just have appetizers instead!  We went to Marks and Spencer (my favorite grocery store) and bought some hummus, carrots, pita chips, pretzels, and lots more.  It hit the spot!

Monday was a quiet day, we were prepping for the dance!  Be back soon!



A quiet UCC campus, but a beautiful evening! 

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