Thursday 26 February 2015

Monday, Monday

Monday, another week here in Cork.  I was so excited for this week to start because my traveling was beginning!  This weekend was Copenhagen, and I could not wait.  I definitely needed to get back into traveling.

Mondays are always really slow for me.  I had one class and that was it.  I need to get in a better routine of waking up early, because I waste half of the day sleeping!  I am on US time, I swear...but, next week   I will get on a better sleep schedule!  After classes, I went to the gym with Jane, and then came back to the house.  I had a long FaceTime date with Allegra, which was much needed.  We needed to catch up on life and have lots of girl talk.  It was the best Monday pick-me-up!

After my conversation with Allegra, I headed into the city to pick up some salmon for dinner.  I love making my dad's salmon recipe, it is so easy!  I do not know what I will do next year when I can't just walk into town and pick up some fresh fish for dinner, sausages, or meats .  I am so spoiled here with the English Market, and it is really inexpensive.

Once I picked up some groceries, I went to Gulpd for a coffee.  It was really rainy and cold, so I sought refuge there to dry off and warm up for a little bit!  Gulpd is so homey and quaint, I know it is a place Care would love.  I wish she could come to Cork again so I could show her :).

It was a good day, and a nice start to the week.  Be back soon!



 English Market!

Coffee time! 

Christmas in the park still?

So lucky I can walk by this all the time :)

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