Saturday 14 February 2015

Ring of Kerry Makes Me Merry

Sunday was the last day of the Ring of Kerry trip.  I was having so much fun, and could not get over how gorgeous everything was that had seen, and there was even more to come!

We departed the hotel once again at 9:30 and had many stops to make throughout the day.  Our first stop was in Derrynane, where Daniel O'Connell's house was located.  Daniel O'Connell was a very famous political leader in Ireland, known mainly for his fight in the Catholic Emancipation movement.  The house was very pretty, located on one of the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen.  While there, we learned all about the wildlife at the beaches, and what you can find there from a marine biologist.  The beach had to be my favorite part of the day.  It was so serene, and a beautiful day out.  I could have stayed here forever.  I wandered along the water searching for sea glass, shells, and other beach treasures.  It gave me a a taste of summer and reminded me of Black Point :).

After our stop in Derrynane, we had a bit of a drive to where we would take a break for lunch.  The drive was the actual "Ring of Kerry," and I now understand why people are so adamant about seeing this.  It truly was the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  The views were incredible, and you were literally in the mountains.  Pictures do not even do the Ring of Kerry justice. It is unbelievable.  I
wish it was a little more accessible because I would want to bring all of my guests this semester!  We stopped during the drive at a place along the Ring of Kerry known as Ladies View.  It looked over many lakes and mountains, making a perfect setting for a picnic!

When we finished our picnic lunch, we were back on the road again.  Our next stop was the Torc Waterfall.  This was one of the sites I saw with my family when they visited in October.  However, when they came, it was so rainy and dreary out that it was almost hard to enjoy.  Luckily, the weather was nice this time, so we got to enjoy it a little bit more!

We were off to our final stop of the day, Muckross House and Gardens and Killarney National Park.  The Muckross House and Gardens is an estate that has been turned into a museum today.  It consists of an enormous house, surrounded by pristine grounds.  The grounds are so pretty, a perfect place for a wedding.  Maybe one day I will come back here for my wedding, does that sounds good with you, Dad???  We were able to wander the area for a little while before we headed back on the bus and back to Cork.

It was a fabulous weekend, and I love Ireland even more than I did before, which I did not think was possible.  I know it is still early, but I already am getting sad about leaving here!!!

Be back soon!



HC girls on the Derrynane beach! 

Derrynane, Co. Kerry. 

Jane and me on the beach.

Lunch spot at Ladies View.

Muckross House
The grounds at Muckross

The lake at Muckross.

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