Wednesday 25 February 2015

What Do February Showers Bring?

So, I spoke too soon about the beautiful weather.  Sunday was horrible!  One of those days where you want to curl up and do nothing in bed.  But, do not worry, that is not how spent my day ( I did that on Saturday...).

After waking up and cleaning up the apartment, I decided to walk into the city.  Even though it was an ugly day out, I needed to get out of the house.  I never like staying cooped up all day.  Also, I needed to figure out what I was going to make for dinner, so it was a nice excuse to walk into town.  My first stop was Opera Lane, the shopping center.  I was looking for some clothes for our trip to Italy and Greece in April.  I did not have many light layers with me in Ireland, so I was just poking around.  I did not find anything, which was good.  I really need to go on a spending freeze so I actually HAVE some money for the big trip!

After Opera Lane, I went to Marks and Spencer for some dinner supplies.  I was making a balsamic, honey mustard chicken for dinner.  I also love wandering around M&S so much, it is like a playground to me (I am definitely my father's daughter).  When I came home, I made my dinner and it came out so great.  It has to be one of my favorite dishes I have made so far!

It was a great weekend.  Be back soon!



Rainy day!

Now a beautiful evening?


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