Tuesday 3 February 2015

Saturday Stroll

Saturday was crazy weather in Cork!  It was sunny, chilly, rainy, and then ended with a beautiful night.  But, that did not stop me from walking around the city, enjoying the day.

I slept in Saturday, knowing I had absolutely no obligations.  It was pretty nice feeling like that!  After waking up in the early afternoon (yes, afternoon), I made myself some brunch, and headed into the City Centre.  I left some grocery shopping for Saturday, because I knew otherwise I would be lazy and do nothing all day.  However, my wandering in the city led me to Opera Lane, the shopping center.  I resisted though, and did not buy anything!  After window shopping, I headed towards the English Market.  I needed to buy some beef for the dinner I was planning on making.  I found a really great looking recipe on Pinterest, beef, kale, mushroom, teriyaki stir-fry.  It came out really, really well, and made great leftovers!

Once I finished my grocery shopping and spent a few hours in the City Centre, I came back to the apartment and went to the gym.  I was trying a new spin class at the gym, which was really fun!  It was a color ride. This means that the instructor, as well as all of the class participants, can see how your performance is throughout the class from a colorful light that blinks on the front of your bike.  The light can be white, blue, green, yellow, or red.  White is a very easy level, and as the ride gets harder, the colors change (red means that you are working really, really hard!).  This was a tough class, but I really enjoyed it and hope I can get to more!

Later in the evening, Jane and I decided that we would try to make some easy desserts--mug cakes!  I know about these from Carolyn, and we were dying for some chocolate, so we figured we would give it a try.  The were super easy, and the perfect chocolate fix we needed!  A great way to end a Saturday :)

Be back soon!



There was a protests going on when I went in the city! It is because of fact that Ireland will be taxed for water soon.

Rainbow in Ireland, maybe I will find some gold :)

Looks gross, but DELSIH!

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