Sunday 22 February 2015


Unfortunately, Monday was Carolyn's last day with me.  I was having a perfect weekend with her and did not want her to leave!  But, this meant we were closer to when I would be seeing her in April!

To begin our morning, we went to a Yoga class that Carolyn had found near the hotel.  We needed to do some exercise after all of the eating we had partaken in over the weekend!  Yoga was great and very relaxing, a perfect way to begin the day.  After yoga, we stopped for some coffee and then headed to the hotel to pack up and part ways.  When we got to the hotel, we decided we would pay the bill then, so we after we got dressed we could leave.  This hotel was so hrad to deal with, and not very accommodating to the very loud noise on Saturday night.  They continued to give us a hard time when we were trying to pay the bill!

The issues with settling the bill made us tight on time, so Care and I did not have much more time to spend together.  We quickly got changed, packed up the room, and Care was off.  She had to make it to the airport for 1 PM, but I had some more time to kill in the city.  I thought I would walk around and enjoy the day, it was beautiful out.  This week in Cork was Raise and Give Week, also known as RAG Week.  It essentially meant that there was very little class attendance and craziness all over the city.  So, I was in no rush to get home to the craziness in Cork.  I got my nails done and enjoyed an awesome lunch at Fallon and Byrne, the food fall Carolyn showed me.  I caught a 4 PM train, getting me back to Cork at 6:30.

When I arrived home, RAG week festivities were in full swing.  I quickly got dressed, and the HC girls and my roommates all gathered at my place.  We were going downtown for the night to partake in RAG Week, I was so unsure as to what to expect!  It definitely was going to be interesting!

Be back soon!



Lunch from Fallon and Byrne.

The roomies!

 Jane, Meadhbh, and me.

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