Saturday 14 February 2015

Almost Here!

Fridays means the weekend for me!  I have a long weekend every weekend, and it is amazing.  The day seriously got away from me, though, I do not know where the time went!

I think the day went by so quickly because I slept until almost 1 PM...I hate doing this!  But, I need to take it in while I can, I guess!  After my (very late) emergence from my cave of a room (it is so dark in there, it could've been 1 AM when I woke up, I would not have known), I made myself some brunch and organized my room before going out for what was left of the day.  I came into the kitchen to the best surprise ever.  Orna bought me chocolates and roses for Valentine's Day!  It was such an incredible way to start my day.  I am so lucky to live with an amazing person like her.

I did not have much to get done in the city, but I always enjoy walking around, people watching, grabbing a coffee, and wandering.  I do not get to do this at Holy Cross, so why not take advantage of it now?  I did a little shopping and then had an afternoon coffee and sweet treat at Farmgate Cafe, in the English Market.  Coffee in the English Market is a double win because I love being at the English Market, and I can sit down (with a delicious coffee) and actually take everything in.  This was my idea of a perfect afternoon.

By the time I got home, it was past 5 PM, the day was really flying by!  I went over to Jane's apartment to catch up with her and see how she was doing.  She and some of the girls were going to the movies later in the evening, so I wanted to hear what her plan was so I could pop in and say hi to everyone!  I then worked out, had dinner, showered, and enjoyed the quiet apartment.  I have been loving being able to stay home for part of the weekend.  It makes for a less stressful week, knowing I have a few extra days to catch up on some odds and ends.

After I said hi/bye to everyone at Jane's, I did lots of internship application work.  I always forget how tedious this kind of stuff is, but I am happy to get it out of the way.  I can now enjoy my weekend with Carolyn without having to think about it!

I cannot wait for my Valentine, Care, to arrive!!!!!

Be back soon!



Best surprise ever!

CRAZY weather!

My addiction--Opera Lane (also, sunny skies now?).

Coffee and sweets time :)

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