Saturday 31 January 2015

York Round Two

Friday I was off to York, England to see Lindsay!  Woohoo I was really excited to see Linds!!! It is so easy for me to get to England from Ireland, and even better, I get to fly from Cork.

I had a 7 AM flight to Manchester, and I landed around 8:30 AM.  I had to take a bus from Manchester Airport to the larger train station in the city, and then a train from there would bring me to York.  I was meeting Lindsay at the train station a little after 12, which gave me some time to wake up and get a coffee at Starbucks (finally, some good coffee).  When I met up with Linds, we walked right into the city for some lunch, we were starving!  We went to Bill's, an awesome restaurant that Lindsay took me to last time I visited.  We even sat at the same table, it is turning into our place, I guess!  Lunch was delicious, we shared these incredible honey sausages, and then had steak sandwiches with arugula.  As good as lunch was, it was even better being back with my other half :).  We could not stop catching up and filling one another in on the happenings of our lives.  We could have sat at the table forever!

Once we finished lunch, Lindsay and I decided we would do a little shopping.  I needed to find a dress for a ball I had coming up later that week, and York is full of some great stores.  I definitely looked a little silly because I was still carrying my luggage.  People were giving me funny looks in the store when I would walk in with a big luggage bag, but I did not care, shopping was on my mind!

After shopping, and successfully finding a dress, we headed back to Lindsay's apartment.  We were both a little tired, so we just hung out and watched a movie.  Lindsay and I are both so similar, our idea of a perfect night is hanging out and watching a good show or movie...I think we will make great housemates next year!  When the movie ended, we got dressed and headed back into the city for dinner.  We had such a big lunch, we were not very hungry at all, so we went to a really late dinner.  We were meeting another Holy Cross girl studying in York, Emma, at this cute French restaurant, Cafe Rouge.  It is always really nice seeing other HC Study Abroad kids.  I feel that the year is such a commitment and we all sort of share this bond from the experience, no matter where you are studying.  I loved hearing what Emma had done so far, and what else she had planned!

When the three of us finished dinner, we headed to a really cool bar, Evil Eye, but unfortunately, the line was really long, so we could not get in!  Lindsay thought that if would be better if we went there on Saturday, so instead we went to the bar across the street, which ended up being really good too!  We stayed for one drink, and then headed back home pretty early.  I was pooped from my long day of travel, and we still had so much of the weekend left ahead of us!

Be back soon!



Sunrise on my flight that morning!

York, England

The Shambles, the most picturesque street in England.

Back with my best friend! 

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