Wednesday 28 January 2015

I Fell in Love with the English Market, Again.

Monday was a quiet day.  Sarah and I had lots of catching up to do, so we did not have any plans to leave Cork.  We wanted to just hang out with each other!

Sarah had a very long day of travel on Sunday, so, she slept in while I went to my one class on Monday.  Unfortunately, this is not a class I can miss because weekly attendance is taken.  But, this was the only class I have on Mondays, so it was not a problem.  When I got home, Sarah and I were both starving.  She has heard me talk about the English Market so much, so I obviously had to take her there!  We went to the Farmgate Cafe for lunch, which as delicious, per usual.  We got a bunch of different little dishes to share.  We didn't want to fill up too much because we had plans for dinner at a restaurant in the city.  Sarah loved the English Market, I mean, how can't you?  It has to be one of my favorite places in Cork, along with O'Connail's, which I took her to next :)

We enjoyed walking around the city with our hot chocolate, shopping around, and catching up.  The weather was not great, so we went into as many stores as we could, a perfect excuse!  I was seriously bumming that I only had a few days with Sarah in Cork, because it was so nice to see her.  When she left, it would also mean that my company was over for a while, unfortunately!  But, I was enjoying the time I had with her!

After our exploring the city, we went back to the apartment and hung out for a little while.  We bought a few beauty supplies in town, including nail polish, so we of course had manicure time.  Jane came over and did her nails with us before leaving for dinner.  The three of us were trying a restaurant that Jane and I have had our eye one for a while, Cafe Mexicana.  This place looks so divey when you walk by, but it was incredible.  They had very authentic, delicious food, and even better, sangria!  The meal was so awesome, a new place for me to bring guests!

Once we finished dinner, we headed over to the Franciscan Well for a drink.  I bring all of my guests here because it is something so unique to Cork, and always a good time.  I tried their seasonal hot hard cider, which was spiced with cloves and oranges.  It was a perfect drink for a chilly night!

Tomorrow was some tourism stuff with Sarah, be back soon!



The English Market

Farmgate Cafe

Dinner at Cafe Mexicana!

Drinks at the Franciscan

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