Tuesday 6 January 2015

Colorful Cobh

It was gorgeous in Ireland today!  The sun was shining, the skies were so blue, and it was about 50 degrees.  We could not have asked for a better day to go to Cobh.  Anne, Allegra, and I were so excited to go (especially Anne, who has been dying to see the classic colorful houses).

Anne and I woke up this morning relatively early so we could meet up with her boyfriend, Bobby, who was coincidentally in Cork these past few weeks.  We had to get his luggage from him, because he was off to Barcelona for the weekend, and would not be returning for a few days.  It was nice waking up and being productive.  We were able to get some coffee and take in the fresh morning air.  I am starting to turn into a morning person! This is unlike me and we will see how long it lasts when classes start...

After meeting up with Bobby, Anne and I went back to the apartment, met Allegra, and headed back into the City Centre for some brunch at the Liberty Grill.  I have been raving about the Eggs Benedict, and needed the girls to experience the greatness.  I, of course, got the Eggs Benedict and was in food heaven.  This is the best place for brunch in Cork City, so beware my future visitors, I will take you here!

Once we finished up with brunch, we met Betsy back at the apartment.  The four of us were taking a 2:00 PM train to Cobh to take advantage of the beautiful afternoon.  When we arrived there, we moseyed around for a long time, taking lots of pictures.  The town was very quiet because it is the off season, but I still loved it!  We made sure to get to the colorful houses while it was still sunny out, and obviously took lots of pictures!

We ended the day in Cobh by having a quick coffee break and an afternoon sweet.  It was really nice having a relaxing day walking around.  Cobh is such a beautiful place, and I am so glad that I had the chance to share it with Anne and Allegra!

When we returned to the city, we stopped at the English Market to get some bread for our new cheese we bought earlier in the morning.  The girls and I are obsessed with goat cheese, and are taste testing the many different varieties the English Market has.  Then, to put the cherry on top of a terrific day, Allegra, Anne, Besty, and I went on the Cork ferris wheel (which is still up for Christmas).  We were a little nervous (and skeptical, it is definitely the most questionable looking ferris wheel I have ever seen) at first, but ended up enjoying a lot of laughs and having so much fun.

It was another unforgettable day today, and tomorrow is off the Blarney!  Be back soon!




Cobh Harbor, so pretty!

Allegra, me, and Anne at the famous houses!

Cobh center


Anne, Allegra, and Betsy on the ferris wheel.

The key to our hearts...bread and cheese.

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