Wednesday 21 January 2015

HC to Dublin

Friday was a day of showing Allegra and Anne around Dublin.  They were leaving Saturday morning, so we had lots to get done! To make it even better, the weather was great.  No more snow, and no rain.  Dublin, here we come!

Our first stop on the tour of Dublin was brunch.  We stopped at a quick place in Temple Bar to fuel up with some coffee and delicious food.  It was a nice, relaxing morning.  We were in no rush, and just sat and enjoyed the morning.  After eating, we headed to the Grafton Street area.  There is always live music around here, lots of people, and some great shopping.  Four girls in a city definitely calls for lots and lots of shopping.  I had to resist in my spending, but it was still fun to look around!  Next, we were on a mission to find the Dublin Doors.  These are many colorful, large doors on one street in Dublin, right by Saint Stephen's Green.  It took us a little while to find them, but eventually we did it. I was really enjoying strolling around the city, walking through the Green, and spending the last day with my best friends.  Dublin is an awesome place, and I needed to show that to my friends.  Ireland is my home (right now, do not worry, Mom, not for good!), and I was really excited to share that with everyone from home.

Once we finished our walking tour of the city, we had some afternoon tea at Bewley's and then headed back to the hostel.  We had to get ready for our dinner reservation at my favorite restaurant, L. Mulligan Grocer.  This was one of the places I went with Mom, Dad, and Carolyn back in October, an amazing gastro pub.  It feels as if that was such a long time ago!!  The dinner did not fail to impress me, once again.  I had vegetarian scotch eggs to start, and muscles as my main course.  The eggs were to die for, one of the best dishes I have ever had!  I think Jane, Allegra, and Anne all loved the choice in restaurant as well, so everything was a success!

I was sad to see our last night come to an end, but it had been a great two weeks.

Be back soon!



Anne and Allegra in front of Temple Bar!

Jane, Allegra, Anne, and myself walking around Dublin.

Dublin Doors

Me, Anne, and Allegra after our tea break.



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