Saturday 31 January 2015

A Full Day of Classes

Thursdays are really busy for me with school.  I have five hours of classes, each with an hour in between.  So it is a little hard to do anything but go to class!

This Thursday I only had four classes, because my Science in Society lecture has not started.  I guess you could say I am being eased into classes still, which is fine by me! My first class was from 10-11, and that was my Folklore class, then 12-1, Sociology of Globalization and Development, next, 2-3, Political Sociology, and lastly, Sociology of Development and Globalization, again.  I really do not understand the schedule of classes in Ireland at all.  There is no rhyme or reason to how anything is set up regarding school, so it is still taking me some time to get it figured out again.  My classes seem to be going well, though!

After classes, I went to the gym, came home and got dinner ready, and started packing for my weekend trip to England.  I was going to visit Lindsay in York!  The last time we say each other was before Christmas, so I could not wait.  On Friday, I will have seen the four of my best friends from Holy Cross in less than a week!  Crazy!

Be back soon with details from England!


After 5 PM, and it is still light out!!!

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