Sunday 18 January 2015

Semester Two Begins

Monday was the first day of classes for semester two! I feel like I have had no time to organize my life in Cork and figure out what classes I was taking, so this would be very interesting.

I think I will only have one class on Mondays if I can keep the schedule I have been planning.  I really wanted to have no classes on Mondays, but that seemed almost impossible to try and make happen because I was also trying to avoid taking exams.  So, one class on Mondays does not seem bad to me!  I am taking the Sociology of Law, and it only meets for two hours on Monday afternoon. The class seems really interesting, but there is one problem: my Professor is so quiet! I am going to have to sit in the front for this class so I can actually pay attention!

When I got back from class, the girls were just waking up.  I think we were all very tired still from the weekend, and needed time to recover.  It was a gorgeous day out, so we walked into the city Centre to get some food for dinner.  I was making a new recipe, chicken caprese.  It turned out to be delicious!  I think I will have to make it again sometime!

Once we finished dinner, we really wanted to go to the Franciscan, but we were so pooped.  When we finally got the energy to go, it was closed!  Oops, maybe another time!

The week was off to a great start.  Be back soon!



Sunny UCC for semester two!

Christmas ferris wheel is com in' down! 

Dinner :)

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