Monday 26 January 2015

More HC Friends!

On Sunday, I slept in very late.  I was definitely catching up on some much needed sleep.  It was weird not waking up to Allegra and Anne on my floor, though!

I cleaned the apartment and got a little organized.  I had not done this in a very long time, so the apartment was looking a little rough.  It was a very slow moving day for me, I did not shower until 3:30, and that was only because I had to leave the house to meet up with some people...oops!  A lazy Sunday never hurt anyone :)

After cleaning up the house and showering (becoming a real person) I met Jane, and another HC student, Francie, for some O'Connail's.  Jane asked me if I wanted to join her and Francie, and I NEVER say no to O'Connail's!  It was the perfect Sunday treat!  I had to go that way in town anyways because I was meeting up with my friend, Sarah, who is studying in Spain this year.  She was coming to Ireland for the week, and her first stop was in Cork.

I picked Sarah up from the bus station, and I was SO happy to see her!  We have not been together since Oktoberfest, in September!  To say we were making a scene when reunited, would be an understatement.  After picking her up, we headed back to my place to get ready for the night.  Sarah only had a few days here, so I had to show her everything.  Our first stop, Oliver Plunkett with Jane and Nicole.  There was some great live music, and we were able to find a table to sit down and have dinner.  I had the Irish Stew, which was so delicious, most definitely one of my favorite Irish dishes thus far.

Once we finished up at Oliver Plunkett, we met up with Julia at An Brog, a bar showing the football playoff games.  We needed to feel like we were back home a little bit, and American football is just the trick!  Sarah and I were tired, so we unfortunately could not last for the Pats game, but the Seahawks vs. Packers game was definitely a thriller!  It is nice to know that there is coverage of football, especially this time of year.

It was an early night for us, we had a busy few days coming up!  Be back soon!




At An Brog for the games!

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