Monday 5 January 2015

Moher Monday

Today was a busy day for me, Allegra, and Anne.  We were heading for the Cliffs of Moher!  This is still my favorite spot in Ireland, and I was really looking forward to going back.

We had a rough wake up.  We are still experiencing troubles of time change, and could not fall asleep at all, the last time I looked at the clock it was 5 AM, and we were waking up at 7 AM :(  I remember having difficulty last semester, so hopefully it will be over soon!  The three of us met up with Nicole, her sisters, Meghan and Kathleen, and another HC girl, Betsy.  The seven of us were all taking the 8:30 Paddywagon tour, so we decided we would go together!

Our first stop was Limerick.  I have never been here before, only driven through.  It was cute, but nothing special.  Cork definitely wins for best city in Ireland, and yes, I may be biased, but it is true.  We had a quick coffee and scone break, and then got a glimpse and explanation of the King John Castle (I really do not know what the importance of this castle was...).  It was a nice stop, but I wanted the get the the Cliffs!!  We then drove through some of the other nearby towns, which were really cute.  I was beginning to recognize a lot of them from our travels when my family visited in October, so I knew we were getting closer to the main destination.

Our second stop was the Burren.  My family and I stopped at this exact same location, so it was fun to go back and know where I was!  We were really close to Lahinch, the town we stayed in.  The weather was thankfully holding off.  It was a little windy, but no rain, woo hoo!  Next stop: lunch in Doolin and then...Cliffs of Moher!

When we got to the Cliffs it was a little rainy, but thankfully it stopped very soon.  The seven of us girls climbed very high up the the muddy, and slippery Cliffs of Moher, which was a little nerve-wracking.  However, I was so excited to be there I could not focus on the nerves.  The sights were so gorgeous, I wanted to stay forever.  Our tour guide gave us an hour and a half here, which was awesome.  We took LOTS of pictures, and were able to walk around for a while.  I really, really, really love Ireland and all of its beauty it has to offer every single day!

The ride back to Cork was very tiring.  there was a very brief stop at Bunratty Castle, the former castle of the dominant O'Brien family, and then we were off again.  We all fell asleep many times and were looking forward to showering and getting in our warm beds.  But, there was an awesome change in plans.  JANE ARRIVED TODAY!  This of course meant drinks at the Franciscan with Anne, Allegra, myself, Nicole, her sisters, Besty, Jane, her brother, Matt, and Jane's roommate from HC, Seton.  It was so much fun, I mean, when doesn't someone have fun at the Franciscan?  I am so happy Jane is back, it was not the same these two days without her!!!

Tomorrow is Cobh! Be back soon!



The River Shannon in Limerick.

Lunch spot in Doolin.

Allegra, me, and Anne at the Cliffs!


Me and the Cliffs!

Bunratty Castle


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