Thursday 15 January 2015


Last Friday, we began our touring in Barcelona.  The weather was absolutely beautiful, so we decided to take advantage of this.  Seton, Matt, Jane, Allegra, Anne, and I were headed to Montserrat, which was right outside of the city.

We were all very excited to get to Montserrat for many reasons.  Being a bunch of Jesuit University students, we have heard loads and loads of information about this very important mountain.  Montserrat was where Saint Ignatius created the Spiritual Exercises, and truly transformed himself into the figure he is understood as today.  Aside from being significant to the development of Saint Ignatius, Montserrat is also important to the development of us Holy Cross students.  Every First Year student at HC takes a year long seminar course, easing you into the college life.  This course is known as Montserrat.  Montserrat is essential to the Holy Cross education, and really influences your time at HC a great deal.  Adding all of these factors up, there was no question about us going to visit the areas ourselves.  Montserrat was massive, and absolutely beautiful.  We got to the top of the mountain via cable cars.  This was a little intimidating, but gave us awesome views of the area.  When we got to the top, we stayed there for a few hours, grabbed something to eat, and explored.  There were lots of street food vendors giving our cheese samples (AKA heaven), and other goodies.  It was such a cool area, and everyone wasso happy that we went there!

After Montserrat, we headed back into the city to meet up with Anne's boyfriend, Bobby, and his friend, Andrew.  When we all gathered together, we cleaned up, and headed out for dinner.  We were looking for a restaurant that Carolyn had recommended to us called, Les Quinze Nits.  I had a fabulous dinner, of salmon, hummus, sangria, bread, and lots of other delicious foods.  We could not get over how cheap this was, as well! Thanks for the tip, Care, it was amazing :)

Once we finished up with dinner, Bobby led us to a bar, Bar Dow Jones.  This is definitely an American tourist spot, but it was super interesting!  The entire menu of drinks acts as if they are stocks in the Stock Market.  If one drink is more popular that night, prices go up, and if it is not popular, the prices fall.  Every hour, the Market crashes, and prices drop dramatically, making it a huge rush to get something to drink for the best value.  This ended up being a game for everyone, and it was such a fun time.

We were exhausted, and had a long day coming up, so it was off to bed!  Be back soon!



Matt, Anne, myself, Seton, Jane, Allegra in from of Montserrat!

Goin' up!

Markets at the top of Montserrat.

Inside the Basilica at Montserrat. 

Vigil Candles

 Sangria at Les Quinze Nits!

Tapas of guac and hummus :)

Salmon dinner:

Cheers, Jane and Matt!

Bar Down Jones and the FC Barcelona Soccer team Logo:

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