Thursday 29 January 2015

Third Time's a Charm

Tuesday was a day that I really got to witness the bipolar weather of Ireland.  It was GORGEOUS when Sarah and I woke up, but as the day went on, it got really cold and rainy!  This did not stop us from our day, however.  We had to go kiss the Blarney Stone!

Sarah and I grabbed a 10:30 AM bus to the Blarney Castle.  The weather was not as bad as the last time I went to the Blarney Castle, so we were able to walk around for a while.  This was my third time kissing the Blarney Stone.  I must really be graced with the gift of gab now, right??  After kissing the stone, we walked around the grounds for about an hour, and then caught a 12:30 bus back to Cork.  Sarah had to go to Galway at 2:30, so we had to get back to the apartment so she could pack.

When we arrived back in the city, we ran to the English Market so Sarah could bring some lunch with her on the bus to Galway, stopped at an ATM, and ran a few more errands.  I was VERY impressed with how fast we were going.  We were on a mission!  During our mad dash of errands, I went to call the taxi company to schedule a car to pick Sarah up from my apartment, but my phone ran out of money!!  I had never had this happen to me, and I panicked a little bit.  Luckily, Jane was home when we got back, so she called one for us.  Otherwise, we would have had a little bit of a problem!  Sarah packed in record time, and was off to Galway.  I did not like saying bye to her, I had such a fun time with her here in Cork.  But, hopefully we would be seeing each other in a few months during some of our travels!

When Sarah left, I took it easy for the rest of the day and passed out, I was exhausted.  A quiet apartment did not feel right to me!  Having so many of my HC friends visit over the past few weeks made me so excited for senior year.  Allegra, Anne, and Sarah were three of the five other girls I am living with in my house next year, and I already know it will be awesome!

The past few weeks have been great, and I loved showing off my (not so) new home to my best friends.  Be back soon!



Third time kissing the Blarney Stone!

Post-kissing the Blarney Stone.

View from the top of the Blarney Castle:

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