Sunday 4 January 2015

And We're Back

I am back in Ireland!  My month at home FLEW by, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't missing it. But, I am really excited to be back in Cork.  My two friends from Holy Cross, Anne and Allegra, met me in Ireland and will be here for two weeks!  We ave a lot of fun activities to look forward to, so stay tuned!

My day of travel was very long.  I left CT with Maureen and Dad at 1:30 PM headed for Logan Airport.  I had a 6:15 flight to Dublin, and was anxious to get on the road.  When we arrived at the airport, it was packed, definitely a lot of post-holiday travels.  It was weird traveling to Ireland without Jane, but I managed to do everything successfully!

I arrived in Dublin at 4:45 AM, which was almost an hour early!  I got my luggage, and headed outside to wait for the 6:30 AM bus to Cork.  I had to wait a little while, but I did not mind.  I was very sleepy, so it was more time to relax!  My bus made it to Cork in great time, less than 3 and a half hours!  When I got off of the bus, I found a taxi, and I headed to my apartment.  I was ready to get unpacked, and a nap was very much needed.

Allegra and Anne got to my apartment at 10:30, and I was so happy to see them.  Having my friends with me really made coming back over a lot easier, especially because Jane does not come back for a few more days, so I was happy I had the company.  Shortly after their arrival, we unpacked, and set up their bed.  It is a little tight it the apartment, but it seems to be working!

We then made our way into the City Centre, with our first stop being O'Conaill's.  It did not take me long to make it back there!  After a great snack stop, we then went to the English Market, which I missed so much.  It was still decorated for Christmas and looked so pretty!  They City Centre is still decked out in all of its Christmas decorations, which I love!  It still feels like the holidays!

After grocery shopping, we came back to my place and took a long nap, we were so pooped!  We woke up around 4:30 PM, showered, and headed out for the night.  We went to Coqbull for dinner, which is my favorite burger place in Cork.  The meal was so good, and I think the girls enjoyed it too!  Once we finished up at Coqbull, we headed to the Oliver Plunkett to listen to some music and meet up with Nicole, her two sisters, and another HC girl, Betsy, who was visiting from Scotland.  We had such a fun night, and I am really glad to be back!

I hope everyone is safe in the snow!  Be back soon!  



A beautifully decorated Cork street!

I was too excited and forgot to take a picture of my hot chocolate and scone...

STILL Christmas in Cork

Allegra and our dinners!

Allegra and myself trying to get a pic with the musician at Oliver Plunkett.

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