Friday 5 December 2014

Surprises for Everyone

A big surprise was on Wednesday, I came home!! I have been telling almost everyone that Saturday was my arrival home, but all along I knew I would be coming home on the 3rd :)  I wanted to surprise my mom, Caca, Nana and Big B, and the HC girls, and I have to say it was a definite success.

I left Cork on a 5 AM bus, arriving in Dublin at 8:30 AM Wednesday morning.  My flight was at 11:30 so I had a lot of time to kill.  The excitement was killing me!  I was so ready to see my family and get ready for the holidays.  The flight was very smooth, and almost empty.  I had a lot of space to get comfy and just relax.  The flight was almost 7 hours long, so I arrived in Boston at 1:35 PM, Eastern Time.  When I walked off the plane, I was SO happy to see Maureen and Dad waiting for me!

We went to the North End of Boston, grabbed a quick lunch, dropped Mo off and we were on our way.  My first surprise was at HC to see Anne and Allegra.  Thankfully, I had the help of my friends Chris and Alex to make the surprise a success.  It went SO well and the girls were so shocked to see me :)

Next stop: home!  Dad and I got home and Mom wasn't there, so I had time to get ready for the surprise.  We invited Nana and Big B over so they could see all of the action.  Mom came home around 9 PM, and I was anxiously awaiting her reaction.  I hid in her room, so when she walked in she would be shocked.  It went so well!!! I am so excited to be home for a month!

After surprising Mom, she had a surprise for me.  She and her friend, Meg, redid my room while I was gone.  It came out AMAZINGLY.  I am in love with it...I may never leave my bed!  Thank you Meg and Mom :)

Well, I am off for the month, I will be reporting back after the New Year!  Be back soon, and everyone have a very Happy Holiday Season!



Sunrise on the bus to Dublin!

Back with Anne and Allegra :)

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