Tuesday 2 December 2014

Cork Christmas Markets

Saturday was a really nice day in Cork, the weather has been almost balmy!  So, how about that snow back home?  Yeah, definitely not missing that at all!

Jane and I were planning on checking out the Cork Christmas Markets Saturday evening.  They just went up on Friday, so this was our paper writing motivation.  We were meeting at 5:15 to head down to the city, with a pitstop at O'Conaill's first!

I have been to O'Conaill's so many times now, and I still do not get sick of it.  I am so excited any time someone asks if I want to go, and the answer will always be YES!  Jane and I headed there before checking out the Christmas Markets.  It was a perfect night for hot chocolate.  There was a little bit of a chill in the air, but after having O'Conaill's, I was warmed up!  Our first stop at the Markets was the ferris wheel.  I am such a child and still love going on ferris wheels!  Somehow Jane and I got unlucky and there were four little kids in our ferris wheel booth who kept spinning the booth in circles.  I thought I was going to die, it was making me so dizzy.  Sorry to be a fun-ruiner, kids, but I wanted to enjoy the ride!  Other than that, it was an awesome time.  The views were great.  You could see the entire city lit up, filled with loads of people.  Happy Christmas, Cork!

After the ferris wheel, we decided we would get some dinner.  Most of the Market booths were food stands, so we had a lot of options.  We stopped at a pulled pork booth, which was great.  It was a little different than the pulled pork we have at home, but it definitely hit the spot.

It was back to getting work done for the night, Dublin was Sunday!

Be back soon!



How many pictures do I have like this now?

The main event!

Me and Jane patiently waiting!

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