Tuesday 2 December 2014


I think you will all be very glad to hear this, I FINISHED MY WORK!!!! I do not think I have ever done as much work as I did these past ten days.  Six papers, one exam, and one blog submission for a class--DONE.

I began the morning by tidying up my last paper and (successfully) handing it in.  Now, it was time to go back to the Music department and Geography departments to hand in my last assignments.  My Geography professor was nice and told me to just slip my essay under his door.  So, that was a success.  Music, again, was an event.  I headed back to the far away land, once again.  When I got there, shocker, it was closed!!!  It was 3:00 PM, and the office is supposed to be open at 2:30.  I didn't know what do to, so I just sat there, waiting for someone to hopefully walk by.  Luckily, a very nice man who seemed like a professor, or someone of higher status, took my essay for me.  This is such a crazy system here in Ireland.  You have to hand  your essays in to the department administrators so that they can stamp it and give you a receipt edifying that you hand in your assignment.  This is why it is so important that the administrators are in their offices when they say they will be.  I guess the Music department has a different view on that...

Finally, I was done will all of my work!  I cannot believe it, I am so relieved!!!  As a way of celebrating, Jane, Grace, and I went to Jackie Lennox's for dinner,  This is a take away place right next to our apartments.  It was great study comfort food.  I had a chicken sandwich and fries, so not healthy, but so good!

I went back to my room and DIDN'T do homework when everyone left.  Ahh such a nice feeling!  I hung out with my roommate, Orna, who I hadn't seen in a week.  It was nice catching up with her and helping her de-stress a little bit!

Be back soon!



A craft fair going on in the UCC Campus Center...some of you can expect gifts from here :)

The food stands set up on campus for study week!

The face of a happy (and sleep deprived) girl done with her first semester of Junior Year!


Dinner time :)

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