Tuesday 2 December 2014

Locked Up (with Papers)

Monday was BORING!  I had to finish my work, still.  You are portably tired of hearing me talk about the work I have to do.  But, 5 of my 6 papers were done, woohoo!

I woke up and got right to work on Monday.  This routine is getting boring, but it is very short-lived.  I will be going home on Saturday, the end is in sight!  It is so hard because I want to enjoy every minute I have here in the city before heading home for Christmas, which is making it very difficult to do any homework.  In the mid-afternoon, Jane and I went to go hand in some papers.  Little did we know this would be an extravaganza....

We headed to the library at 2:30 to print off our work and bring the to the departments to pass them in.  In celebration of finishing out work, we decided we would stop at the O'Conaill's stand that had been set up on campus for study week.  I do not think you will meet anyone who loves O'Conaill's more than Jane and I do!  But, we were celebrationg submissions a little too soon.  Our first paper submission: success.  Jane was done, but I had to go hand in four more.  My second one: success.  The third one: the Geography department doesn't believe that students get work done early, so the submission box was not there, uh oh.  On to the next one, history: success.  Then to music: ohhhh the Music department at UCC, or should I say, barely in Cork City.  Jane was a trooper and trekked all the way to this department with me, which we had no idea where it even was to begin with.  It ended up being about a thirty minute walk away from UCC, up a massive hill, in the middle of no where.  When we finally found it, we went to the office and...IT WAS CLOSED!  This was not due to my lack of preparedness, I promise!  There was a hand written note simply stating it would be closed on December first, just my luck.  I wanted to cry, I just wanted to hand my work in!

As a way of recovering from this strenuous day, Jane and I went shopping.  We picked up some more Christmas gifts, but mainly goodies of us!  What is better than retail therapy?

Be back soon, hopefully with all of my work done!



I have not done anything special, but I did start to pack!  Looks a little bit like an explosion of clothes, I know.

Okay, a lot like an explosion of clothes.

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