Tuesday 2 December 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving in Ireland did not feel right!  I wasn't used to not waking up to smelling all of Dad's delicious cooking, and seeing Mom's beautiful decorations :)  However, I still had an awesome day!

My morning was filled with lots of work.  I still had three papers to finish, and I was procrastinating a lot.  In the middle of the afternoon, I decided to take a break from paper writing and head into the city.  I needed to get some shopping done for our Friendsgiving on Friday!  I was hosting, so I bought a lot of decorations to spruce up the apartment.  I wanted it to feel like Thanksgiving a little bit in Ireland for all of my guests!

After getting a lot of errands done, I quickly came home and got ready for dinner.  Julia, a HC student, had her family here for the week, and they so kindly offered to take us out to Thanksgiving dinner in the city.  Jane, Nicole, Chelsea, Julia, her family, and myself all went to a great restaurant that I had yet to try, 14A.  I ordered the muscles and fries dinner, which was so yummy, and not festive at all (whoops).  However, I was very happy with my choice.  Muscles and fries seems like such a weird combination to me, but they are everywhere in Europe!

It was really nice being around a family setting on Thanksgiving, and definitely made the holiday a little bit easier.  I think I can say that this was one of the first times I was really starting to feel far away from home, with the entire Fox clan celebrating at my house.  However, I will be home soon enough!

Be back soon!



Jane bought me a Thanksgiving treat :)


The city has more and more lights each time I get down there!

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