Tuesday 20 January 2015


To the second day of semester two, we go! It was very cold in Ireland on Tuesday, it even snowed!!! I can easily say that I never expected to see snow this year.  Snow in Ireland is so rare that is usually ends up with everyone freaking out.  This was definitely a funny sight for those of us coming from Worcester, the snowiest city in America.

I had two classes on Tuesday, a Folklore, and Science in Society.  Folklore is about the "Otherworld" and the belief system in Ireland, I actually really love it.  Jane and I went to Science in Society later that evening, and after fifteen minutes we realized it does not start for two more weeks, so we gained a free hour!  While I was in class, Allegra and Anne decided to go the Jameson Distillery for the day.  It is only a half hour outside of the city, and supposed to be an awesome experience.  They loved it, and I definitely need to get there soon!  

I was whipping up one of my classic dishes for dinner that night.  I made Dad's famous broccoli, sausage, pasta for dinner, and it was sooooo yummy.  It is definitely my favorite meal in the world.  The dish did not come out as good as Dad's, but it as a close second :)

After dinner, the HC girls came over to my place before going out.  It was so nice getting back together with everyone.  I missed the group, and was very excited to go to Rearden's.  I have talked about it so much to Allegra and Anne over the past semester, so they were ready to see what all the fuss was about.  It turned out to be an awesome night, a great way to ring in semester two!

I am missing home a lot lately, but very happy to be back in Cork!!!  Be back soon!



Snowy Bandon Road!

Dinner :)

Me and Anne at Rearden's.

Cork girls reunited (Jane, me, Nicole, Chelsea, and Julia in front)

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