Thursday 26 February 2015

I Can Hear Copenhagen!

Thursday AKA one more day until Copenhagen!  Ahhh I cannot wait!  It is going to be a great weekend, and a much needed weekend.

Thursday was a very productive day for me.  I had a lot to get done before the weekend.  It was a crazy day of weather.  It was gorgeous, and then hailing, and then nice, and then hailing again.  I could not keep up! It managed to stay nice out long enough for me to go for a run outside.  This was the first time I went up to the Lough in such a long time.  It was such a nice treat!

After classes, I did some laundry so I could have some clothes for the trip, well actually, I dropped it off at the launderette down the road.  It is so convenient, and they got everything done in a few hours.  It was great going away from the weekend having all of my chores done.  Now, I could focus on Denmark.  Woohoo!  I was meeting up with our longtime family friend, Caroline, who is living in Copenhagen for the semester.  She was going to show us all around the city, it was really nice of her to offer, and it will be great to have a taste of home :).

Be back after the weekend!



Nice day at the Lough!

Classic Cork houses.

Beautiful night!

Dinner Dates

Wednesday was SO beautiful out.  It was about 55 degrees and sunny.  Spring, is that you I sense?  I love this weather so much, I will embrace as much as I can get!

I had a good day of classes, and I was halfway through the week!  Copenhagen was almost here, thank goodness.  I was so excited for the weekend.  Lindsay was meeting us from York, and I could not wait to see her.  It had been five weeks since I had seen her, which is too long for us  !This was a long week of job applications, and I needed some de-stressing.  I should not be that stressed while I am here, but having actual work to do for the first time in forever will do that to ya.

My roommates had a stressful week as well, so we decided to go out to dinner and take a break from everything.  We are trying to spend as much time with one another as we can before these next two months are over!  That is so scary to say!  Dinner was really nice, and it a awesome to relax and not think about jobs, school, leaving, nothing.  My roommates are a great at cheering me us and always having a good time with me :).

After dinner, I ran into Julia and Jane.  They were going to a pub for a drink.  I decided I would join them.  We went to The Rock, which is right near our house.  I didn't stay long, but it was fun to check it out and shed what was going on!

Tomorrow is Thursday, one more day closer to Copenhagen!  Be back soon!



Jane, Julia, and me at The Rock.


Tuesdays, I really love Tuesdays.  Who ever says that, right?  My schedule is so spread out, that it really lets me get a lot done.

After my morning class, Jane and I went to the gym together, and then I came home and got ready for my day.  I was planning on going into the city to buy some new luggage.  I needed a bag that was a little lighter than the bag I currently had.  It was kind od heavy, and I needed a light bag for the big April trip.  I knew Penney's had a brand I liked, so I thought I would check it out.  I was so excited when I got there, they had the bags, and a perfect one!  This is what I call #abroadprobs.  It is definitely an abroad problem that I get so excited over new luggage.  I could not wait for the weekend even more now so I could test out the new digs :).

Once I had my awesome new luggage, I decided to stop at Cork Coffee Roasters for some cappuccino.  Cork Coffee Roasters is literally a hole in the wall, but it is so great.  It has been open since Christmas, and I love going there all the time.  It is a nice little escape!  Plus, the coffee is so good (a rare find in Ireland).  I definitely looked a little funny walking around carrying a suitcase in with me, but I did not care, I was so happy about it.

Tuesday was a great day.  Be back soon!



Colorful Cork

Cork Coffee Roasters

Monday, Monday

Monday, another week here in Cork.  I was so excited for this week to start because my traveling was beginning!  This weekend was Copenhagen, and I could not wait.  I definitely needed to get back into traveling.

Mondays are always really slow for me.  I had one class and that was it.  I need to get in a better routine of waking up early, because I waste half of the day sleeping!  I am on US time, I swear...but, next week   I will get on a better sleep schedule!  After classes, I went to the gym with Jane, and then came back to the house.  I had a long FaceTime date with Allegra, which was much needed.  We needed to catch up on life and have lots of girl talk.  It was the best Monday pick-me-up!

After my conversation with Allegra, I headed into the city to pick up some salmon for dinner.  I love making my dad's salmon recipe, it is so easy!  I do not know what I will do next year when I can't just walk into town and pick up some fresh fish for dinner, sausages, or meats .  I am so spoiled here with the English Market, and it is really inexpensive.

Once I picked up some groceries, I went to Gulpd for a coffee.  It was really rainy and cold, so I sought refuge there to dry off and warm up for a little bit!  Gulpd is so homey and quaint, I know it is a place Care would love.  I wish she could come to Cork again so I could show her :).

It was a good day, and a nice start to the week.  Be back soon!



 English Market!

Coffee time! 

Christmas in the park still?

So lucky I can walk by this all the time :)

Wednesday 25 February 2015

What Do February Showers Bring?

So, I spoke too soon about the beautiful weather.  Sunday was horrible!  One of those days where you want to curl up and do nothing in bed.  But, do not worry, that is not how spent my day ( I did that on Saturday...).

After waking up and cleaning up the apartment, I decided to walk into the city.  Even though it was an ugly day out, I needed to get out of the house.  I never like staying cooped up all day.  Also, I needed to figure out what I was going to make for dinner, so it was a nice excuse to walk into town.  My first stop was Opera Lane, the shopping center.  I was looking for some clothes for our trip to Italy and Greece in April.  I did not have many light layers with me in Ireland, so I was just poking around.  I did not find anything, which was good.  I really need to go on a spending freeze so I actually HAVE some money for the big trip!

After Opera Lane, I went to Marks and Spencer for some dinner supplies.  I was making a balsamic, honey mustard chicken for dinner.  I also love wandering around M&S so much, it is like a playground to me (I am definitely my father's daughter).  When I came home, I made my dinner and it came out so great.  It has to be one of my favorite dishes I have made so far!

It was a great weekend.  Be back soon!



Rainy day!

Now a beautiful evening?



Saturday was beautiful out, it is beginning to feel like warmer weather is approaching in Ireland!  I definitely picked the right year to go abroad when it comes to weather back at home...

I still was not feeling 100%, so I took it easy on Saturday.  I needed lots of sleep and no plans in order to kick this cold.  I was starting to travel next week, so I really needed to get better!  I felt that I needed to be somewhat active for par of the day, however, so I went to a spin class later in the evening.  It was another one of the color spin classes, where the difficulty depends on the color the instructor yells out.  It was so hard, but really fun and an incredible workout!  I was so happy I went.  It was nice to get out and enjoy part of the beautiful day.

After spin, I walked through campus, and get this, it was EMPTY.  RAG Week definitely did a number on the UCC student population and no one was around all weekend.  It was so nice and peaceful.  Campus looked absolutely gorgeous, too.  There were blooming flowers everywhere.  Spring is in the air, and I don't mind it!

As a late night snack, Jane and I tried out a new mug cake recipe, it called for lots of Nutella, YUM.  I was enjoying the very quiet weekend A LOT.

Be back soon!



Budding flowers, and blue skies!


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Dear Chipotle, Send Backup

Friday, woohoo, it is the weekend1  I was very excited to see this weekend here especially because it was very much needed after a long week, and it was one of my last few weekends in Cork by myself!  That is so scary to say...

Jane and I had a lunch date on Friday, as we usually tend to do.  We were trying a burrito bar, Burritos and Blues.  I am an extreme Chipotle addict and have been experiencing some serious withdrawals while here in Ireland.  Chipotle is a frequent hot spot for us at HC, so we figured we would try to bring it to Cork.  I had my favorite Mexican quick meal, a burrito bowl.  Burritos and Blues was not as good as Chipotle, but it was a satisfactory substitute and hit the spot.

After Burritos and Blues, Jane and I did a little grocery shopping at Dunnes.  I had never gone here before, but it is one of Jane's favorites, so I thought I would check it out!  It is so odd to me that clothing stores also have grocery markets in them.  I guess it is one stop shopping' for the Irish!  Dunnes was really nice and I found everything I needed there.  I was making my dad's famous chile recipe for dinner, and  was so surprised that I could get all of the ingredients here in Ireland.  It was a cold day, AKA perfect for chile!

Once we were finished with our grocery shopping, Jane and I had realized that we had not been to O'Conaill's in THREE WEEKS.  This called for an immediate hot chocolate break after Dunnes, and luckily, O'Conaill's was right next to it.

I had a quiet rest of the night, I was still trying to fight off this cold.  Netflix it was!  Be back soon!



I miss Chipotle.

Don't ever leave me!

Pretty Cork :)

Monday 23 February 2015


Thursday was a crazy day of weather in Cork.  It was pouring rain and freezing in the morning, beautiful in the afternoon, and then rainy again!  I think this is what winter is like in Ireland, and you would think I am used to it, but I guess not.  I keep forgetting an umbrella, well not forgetting, I just think that I will be lucky enough to not be rained on...but I am wrong almost every time!  I think I am beginning to learn my lesson :)

This crazy weather day also marked the end of a crazy week.  RAG Week was over, and I have to say, I am kind of happy to see it end.  It was really fun, but I do not know how the Irish can go this wild for a whole week!  It is not really my style, but it was fun while it lasted.  I went to all of my classes Thursday, which should not seem like a something that needs to be praised, but according to professors during RAG Week, it does.  Five classes in one day is a lot sometimes, but I actually do not mind it.  It keeps me busy throughout the day.  Campus was still buzzing with booths set up of food, activities, clubs, etc. for RAG Week events, but this would be the last day.  After four days, I think everyone had been burnt out.  However, it was all for a good cause :).

I had a quiet night after classes, I was beginning to come down with a cold, as was everyone in the UCC student population.  I guess that is a side effect of the eventful week!  I just needed some sleep and lots of Netflix for a night, and I was a pro at that :).

Be back soon!



Pretty UCC gates!

Lines for the school bar at 4 PM.....

Some sun! 

RAG Continues

Wednesday was a day full of nothing for me.  I was so worn out from the first two days of RAG Week, that I needed something low key!

I had two classes Wednesday, Political Sociology and Sociology of Media.  I found it so funny that professors were actually thanking us for attending class.  I guess RAG Week really is a time when there is very little class attendance going on!  I liked getting back into the swing of things with class, though.  I am a very routine person, and this provided me a little more routine than I had had all week.  Final assignments are beginning to be handed out as well, so I did not want to miss any information regarding those.  I cannot believe we are already discussing FINALS.  I feel like I just got here!

My roommates went out starting at 4 PM, and I definitely could not do that, I do not know how they had the energy!  I was exhausted already and it was only Wednesday!  Instead of RAG Week events, I decided to stay in and do some summer job applications.  Finding a summer job seems impossible, I am applying to as many places I can find.  Applications took up a majority of my night, which I did not mind.  I was hoping I would be some what productive, and I was, thankfully!  Maybe this work will pay off...

It was a very non-eventful day, just what I needed!  Be back soon!



Crazy campus filled with RAG Week festivities! 

Sunday 22 February 2015

"My American"

Tuesday was a lazy day for my entire apartment.  We were all so pooped from the first night of RAG week, we did feel like doing anything.  This was pretty easy to do because it was a dull day, weather wise.  My roommates and I just hung out with one another!

Orna and I did a little grocery shopping in the afternoon at some of the local vendors in our neighborhood.  I stopped at Con's Veg, my favorite veggie stand, and the butcher down the road.  The butcher helped me pick out some beef to make a stir fry for dinner, I think he could tell I had no idea what to buy when it comes to beef.  He was really helpful and nice!  It is so convenient having these two places so close by, especially when I do not feel like walking into the city to the English Market.

Later that day, I went to the gym to be a little active because I knew I would have another long night ahead of me.  After the gym, I quickly had dinner (my beef stir fry, which came out pretty good!), and then my roommates and and I were out for the night.  Orna was taking me to her friend's house for "pre-drinks," also known as "prinks."  This was my first Irish "house party," and it was so different from a house party in America.  It was very casual, people sitting around a table just enjoying a drink.  Nothing loud, crazy, or out of control like the ones back one.  It was so funny, Orna kept introducing me to everyone as "Caitlin, she's American."  She kept saying this to ever person I met, and at one point she accidentally introduced me as "my American."  It was so funny!  I guess being an American is an exciting quality!

The girls and I went out downtown from Orna's friend's house.  The city was packed with people.  I was really tired, and not really in the mood to be in a crammed bar, so hopefully it would not be that long of a night.

It ended up being fun!  RAG week is definitely exhausting.  Be back soon!



The roomies out! 

Orna and me! 


Unfortunately, Monday was Carolyn's last day with me.  I was having a perfect weekend with her and did not want her to leave!  But, this meant we were closer to when I would be seeing her in April!

To begin our morning, we went to a Yoga class that Carolyn had found near the hotel.  We needed to do some exercise after all of the eating we had partaken in over the weekend!  Yoga was great and very relaxing, a perfect way to begin the day.  After yoga, we stopped for some coffee and then headed to the hotel to pack up and part ways.  When we got to the hotel, we decided we would pay the bill then, so we after we got dressed we could leave.  This hotel was so hrad to deal with, and not very accommodating to the very loud noise on Saturday night.  They continued to give us a hard time when we were trying to pay the bill!

The issues with settling the bill made us tight on time, so Care and I did not have much more time to spend together.  We quickly got changed, packed up the room, and Care was off.  She had to make it to the airport for 1 PM, but I had some more time to kill in the city.  I thought I would walk around and enjoy the day, it was beautiful out.  This week in Cork was Raise and Give Week, also known as RAG Week.  It essentially meant that there was very little class attendance and craziness all over the city.  So, I was in no rush to get home to the craziness in Cork.  I got my nails done and enjoyed an awesome lunch at Fallon and Byrne, the food fall Carolyn showed me.  I caught a 4 PM train, getting me back to Cork at 6:30.

When I arrived home, RAG week festivities were in full swing.  I quickly got dressed, and the HC girls and my roommates all gathered at my place.  We were going downtown for the night to partake in RAG Week, I was so unsure as to what to expect!  It definitely was going to be interesting!

Be back soon!



Lunch from Fallon and Byrne.

The roomies!

 Jane, Meadhbh, and me.

Saturday 21 February 2015

A Day for a Queen

Sunday was a perfect day.  Care and I had lots of plans, and I was so excited.  We slept in really late because our room was over a club, unfortunately, so we could hear music until 4 AM!

Our first stop of the day was high tea at the Westbury Hotel.  This is is really nice hotel off of Grafton Street, the main street in Dublin.  Care made reservations here for 1:30 for our afternoon tea sitting.  I was so excited! When we walked into the hotel, it was so beautiful and fancy, covered in pink flowers for Valentine's Day.  When we sat down, we were given the choice of bottomless coffees, cappuccinos, tea, hot chocolates, everything.  Then came the finger sandwiches, a whole variety of them!  Carolyn and I were trying to take our time with each course, we had two hours for this!  After the sandwiches, there was a massive tower of pastries.  They almost looked too pretty to eat, but don't worry, we did not hold back...

High tea was incredible, one of they highlights of my weekend, I felt like a princess!  After tea, Carolyn and I headed back to the hotel to wash up and call home to catch up with them.  Everyone was in Florida, so we thought that we would take the chance to get to talk to the crew while they were all together.  It was the closest thing we could get to the five of us being back together! After talking to the family, we hung out for a little bit and then had massages scheduled.  The massages were great!  This was such a relaxing day, full of lots of pampering!  After our massages, we showered and got ready for dinner.  The restaurant was right near our hotel, so we walked around the area.  The city was still buzzing, and it was a Sunday night!

We went to dinner at this place called Green Hen.  The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was a cool French/Irish vibe.  Care and I shared a goat cheese and beet salad, and then I mad duck for my main dish.  It was great!  We walked around the city later and had some drinks and dessert, it was so much fun.

It was an early night, but an end to a perfect day!

Be back soon!



Tea time!

Dinner at Green Hen.

Care and me at drinks and dessert! 

Friday 20 February 2015

Care Arrives!

Saturday was the day Carolyn was coming to Dublin!  I have an AWESOME sister who spends her long weekend flying 3000 miles to see me.  I was so excited for her to get here!

I left Cork at around 7 AM, getting me to Dublin at 9:30.  Care's flight got in really early, so she was there waiting for me!  I met her at the hotel we would be staying at, the Dawson, and I could not have been happier to see her.  It was the first time I was seeing family in six weeks, which I know does not should like a long time, but it sure feels like it!  When we met up, we were both really hungry.  We stopped at a cute cafe right next to the hotel, Hatch and Sons, for some brunch.  They are famous for their sandwiches on Blaa bread, so I had one of those, and it was delicious! We took our time eating, as well as loading up on coffee.  Our hotel was not ready yet, so there was lots of time to relax.

After having our brunch, Carolyn and I decided we would walk around the city for a little bit.  The weather was absolutely beautiful out, thank goodness!  It would have been such a bummer if Care came and it was rainy!  We took advantage of this gorgeous day and walked to the Temple Bar Food Market, an outdoor area with various food vendors, and took in the scene, and admired the scones (they looked incredible).  Once we left the market, we shopped around the city for al little while, finding some neat stores down the many side streets in Dublin.  Carolyn had put together a "tea crawl" for us, consisting of many different bakeries in the area.  So, we thought we would find some of the ones near by, in order to kill time.  We ended up finding one very close to where we were exploring called The Queen of Tarts.  Obviously, we got one of their baked goods.  We cannot go to a famous bakery and not get one!  The two of us shared a scone, and it was so heavenly, and fluffy, and delicious.  The scones in Ireland are the best in the world!

Once we finished our morning walking around, we went back to the hotel and checked into our room.  Care was sleepy from her flight, so she took a nap while I did a little work for HC (I had yet to tell them what classes I was taking...oops!).  We needed a little time to lay low, especially Care who travelled all night!  After relaxing for a few hours, we cleaned up and got ready for the night.  There was a big rugby match going on between Ireland and France, so we figured we would head to a pub to catch some if the game before our dinner reservations.  The city was buzzing with French people!  We ended up going to a cool bar called the Porter House, right near Trinity.  It was so packed, we could almost not get a table!  Luckily, it worked out and we found some seats to enjoy the game and a pint.

Carolyn set up a 6:30 dinner reservation for us at L. Mulligan Grocer's, where we went with my parents in October, as well as where I took Allegra and Anne.  It was our Valentine's Day date :).  I love this restaurant, the food and atmosphere are both so great.  Care and I had an awesome time!  To end the night, we went to a wine bar at this place called Fallon and Byrne, for some dessert and after dinner drinks.  I have a feeling this is going to be a gastro weekend, which is fine by me!

It was a perfect day with my sister, and there is still much more to come!  Be back soon!



Pretty flowers at Hatch and Sons. 


So many flowers for Valentine's Day!

My Valentine at Porter House :)

Wine bar time!

Saturday 14 February 2015

Almost Here!

Fridays means the weekend for me!  I have a long weekend every weekend, and it is amazing.  The day seriously got away from me, though, I do not know where the time went!

I think the day went by so quickly because I slept until almost 1 PM...I hate doing this!  But, I need to take it in while I can, I guess!  After my (very late) emergence from my cave of a room (it is so dark in there, it could've been 1 AM when I woke up, I would not have known), I made myself some brunch and organized my room before going out for what was left of the day.  I came into the kitchen to the best surprise ever.  Orna bought me chocolates and roses for Valentine's Day!  It was such an incredible way to start my day.  I am so lucky to live with an amazing person like her.

I did not have much to get done in the city, but I always enjoy walking around, people watching, grabbing a coffee, and wandering.  I do not get to do this at Holy Cross, so why not take advantage of it now?  I did a little shopping and then had an afternoon coffee and sweet treat at Farmgate Cafe, in the English Market.  Coffee in the English Market is a double win because I love being at the English Market, and I can sit down (with a delicious coffee) and actually take everything in.  This was my idea of a perfect afternoon.

By the time I got home, it was past 5 PM, the day was really flying by!  I went over to Jane's apartment to catch up with her and see how she was doing.  She and some of the girls were going to the movies later in the evening, so I wanted to hear what her plan was so I could pop in and say hi to everyone!  I then worked out, had dinner, showered, and enjoyed the quiet apartment.  I have been loving being able to stay home for part of the weekend.  It makes for a less stressful week, knowing I have a few extra days to catch up on some odds and ends.

After I said hi/bye to everyone at Jane's, I did lots of internship application work.  I always forget how tedious this kind of stuff is, but I am happy to get it out of the way.  I can now enjoy my weekend with Carolyn without having to think about it!

I cannot wait for my Valentine, Care, to arrive!!!!!

Be back soon!



Best surprise ever!

CRAZY weather!

My addiction--Opera Lane (also, sunny skies now?).

Coffee and sweets time :)

Is it the Weekend Yet?

Thursdays, per usual, are really boring for me.  It is a day full of class, so nothing really gets done.  But, I am so relieved when the day is over, and it is finally the weekend!

My first class was cancelled, so that was a plus.  I got to sleep in!  I feel like I am always sleeping in late here in Ireland.  I think it is because I am essentially half on US time still.  I stay up so late on FaceTiime calling everyone at home at an hour that would be evening for them, but early morning hours for me.  But, I really do not mind this at all.  I love being able to catch up with my family and friends, as if I were still at home with them!  The rest of my day went by so quickly.  I came back home in between every class, which definitely makes the time fly!

After classes, I went to the gym, came home and had some dinner, and just hung out.  Orna was at the apartment for the night, which is rare because she tends to leave Thursday afternoons.  She and I hung out for a little bit and just enjoyed one another's company.  We were both pretty sleepy, so we were taking in the relaxing night.

A lot of my friends went out on Thursday, but I stayed in, getting ready for the weekend.  Carolyn was coming to Dublin in two days!!  I was so excited, I cannot believe it is already time for her visit! I feel like I just left home, but it has been SIX weeks, so crazy.  While everyone was out, I called Lindsay and caught up with her about her week, and planned her visit to Ireland a little bit.  After, I called Allegra and Anne and caught up on their lives at HC, and heard about the mountains of snow they had (and the more sow that was about to come).

It was a very chillaxed night for me!  Just what I needed :).

Be back soon!



Dreary day in Cork :(

Movie Night

Wednesday was a roomie night for Orna, Meadhbh, and me!  We had been planning on going to the cinema in Cork to see Selma, the Martin Luther King Jr. movie.  The girls were so excited to take me to my first movie in Ireland!

I had three classes on Wednesday.  My first one was Political Sociology, and then I had Sociology of the Media twice later in the day.  I don't mind my Wednesday schedule, and it also means that I am so close to the weekend.  I love not having classes on Fridays, hopefully I can keep that up when I get back to HC!  Also, classes were a little more bearable because my computer was fixed!  There apparently was a loose cable, and the technician was able to save everything.  Thank goodness!!!  Not knowing what was wrong with my computer was very stressful, and luckily my family was very patient and listened to my (many) panics.  Thank you, family!!!!

After classes, I came home and had dinner, and then headed to the movies with Orna and Meadhbh.  I love going to the movies, and thankfully, so do they.  We were going to see Selma, the movie about the March on Montgomery.  After watching the Grammys and seeing the performance of the song from Selma, Orna, Meadhbh, and I were all anxious to see the film!  I was excited to see what the movie theater (or, "cinema," as they say in Ireland) was like.  Tickets are really cheap, especially with a student card, but the snacks are really expensive.  But, you cannot go to the movies and not have popcorn and candy, so it was a special treat!  The movie was pretty good, however, I enjoyed it more seeing it with my roommates.  The had little knowledge of Martin Luther King Jr. and all that he did, and after the film, they had so many questions for me.  It was interesting because I told them that I have learned about this in school for as long as I can remember, so I am almost numb to it.  They were so moved by the film and wanted to hear all of the speeches from then, see the pictures, and learn about Martin Luther King Jr. even more.  It was really awesome of them.

It was a great night at the movies, and I love being with my roommates.  I am so lucky to live with Orna and Meadhbh, I do not know what I would do without them.  They are my family away from home!

Be back soon!



Cork Cinema!


New Friends!

I love my Tuesday schedule this year.  I have an early class and a late class.  This gives me the entire afternoon free to workout, grocery shop, and get stuff done!

My morning class was Folklore, and I really enjoy this class!  It is really interring, and I am learning about many Irish traditions and myths.  This is definitely something that I could never take at Holy Cross, which I think is great about some of my classes here.  They are very unique.  After my morning class, I went to the gym, and then the City Centre for some shopping.  I went to Marks and Spencer as well as the English Market.  These are definitely my two favorite grocery stores.  I picked up some food for dinner, I was making a beef, brussels sprouts, asparagus, and rice dish.  It came out really well, and I had leftovers, which means I did not have to cook on Wednesday!  I also went clothes shopping while I was in the city.  Ugh, I have a shopping problem.  I love the store River Island, and I get so drawn in whenever I walk down there.  I always buy something because I will not have the store next year, it is so bad!!!

Later in the evening, Julia and I went out to Cafe Mexicana, the Mexican restaurant I brought Sarah to, for drinks.  They have awesome sangria, so Julia and I thought it would be fun to have some before going out for the night!  After drinks, we headed to Leeside, the apartments where our San Diego friends used to live, because we were meeting with new friends from Loyola, who ironically live there now!  Julia has a friend from home that is studying in Cork this semester, so we were all going out together.  It was a really fun night, and the Loyola kids are so much fun!  It is nice meeting more Americans!  We were so sad to see the USD kids leave first semester because we thought it would be hard to meet new people.  So, I am really happy we have met more!

It was an awesome night filled with lots of laugh and great times.  Be back soon!



This was my favorite book when I was little, and I have never seen it in a store.  I was so excited I had to send a picture to my mom, it reminded me of her :)!

Coffee break! 

Exploring the city.

Drinks with Julia at Cafe Mexicana.

Julia and me with Jackie, our new Loyola friend!