Tuesday 30 September 2014

On Tuesdays We Eat Cheese

I think I am finally beginning to experience the crazy Ireland weather.  Today, is was raining when I woke up, misting when I went to class, sunny when I came home, then cloudy again, then a gorgeous day!  I overheard some locals saying that this is the summer that keeps giving.  I could get used to this...

In between my classes, I ventured into the city to the English Market.  We were all kind of worn out from the weekend still, so Jane, Grace, and I wanted to have a low-key night.  We thought a wine and cheese night would be nice (and adult-ish of us!).  I really enjoy making appetizers, well actually, I really enjoy finding appetizers on Pinterest.  So, I was aiming to test one of my Pinterest finds.  I made a fresh strawberry balsamic sauce to put over baked brie.  It was so yummy, and I love brie so it hit the spot!  Jane brought goat cheese and apples, and Grace made cookies.  It was a great night in catching up on our weekends in Germany.  I feel like such an adult living here!  It is so hard catching up with everyone, I don't know what is taking up my time!  I know that it is not very much school work....

Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means only a few more days until my family arrives, I cannot wait!  I feel like I was just leaving the States saying I would see them at my halfway point of the semester.  Time needs to slow down!!!!!

Be back tomorrow!



Beautiful night on Bandon Road

Midway point (I always forget to snap a pic at the start--I am too excited about the food!)

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