Tuesday 2 September 2014


Adventure time!  Today Jane, Nicole, Chelsea, Molly, and I decided to take a field trip to the Blarney Castle....via bikes!  It was so much fun, and a little daring!

We began the morning by meeting at the Bike Shed down the road from our apartments.  We were renting the bikes for the afternoon, and returning this evening.  The man at the bike rental store gave us two routes to ride the-- a shorter one on main freeways, or a longer scenic one on backroads.  We opted for the backroads one (a little safer), and set out for the road!  It was much longer than we expected, but indeed, very scenic.  Biking on the opposite side of the road was very nerve-wracking, but we tried to get the hang of it, and thankfully, drivers were accommodating.

After about an hour and a half ride, we arrived!  It was a beautiful day out, and the Blarney grounds were buzzing with people.  Many of them were Americans, so I was feeling like I was back at home! We packed our lunches and had a picnic on the grounds, decompressing from the ride.  I was still in shock that I biked to the Blarney Castle.  Who can say that they have done that?!

We slowly made it to the top of the castle to kiss the Blarney Stone!  The kiss on the Stone consisted of a quick dangling backwards motion (held up by someone), and then you were done! Quick and easy, and now, I supposedly have eloquence!  The views were amazing when we made it to the top, and luckily it was a sunny day.

We wandered the grounds for a while and went to the Blarney house, which unfortunately was closed!  It was so pretty, though, and looked very Gatsby-esque.

Our ride back was...interesting.  We somehow ended up taking the shorter, freeway-filled ride.  I have to say, I was SO nervous.  We were riding on a main Ireland highway.  Not something I can say I ever want to do again.  But, I made it back safe and sound!

After the eventful day, I had to force myself to write this paper due in Archaeology tomorrow.  Such a bitter end to a wonderful day...but it is all done now!

Be back tomorrow!

P.S. Happy birthday to my roomie of two years, Allegra!!!!!! Welcome to your 20s my love <3


Ready to ride!

Our lunch spot.

The Blarney Castle.

THE kiss.

Molly, Nicole, Chelsea, me, Jane at the top of the castle! 

The view

The Blarney House

I made a friend! 

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