Monday 29 September 2014

Tent Time

Saturday was the big day, time for the Oktoberfest tents!  It was a crazy day, but one of the most fun things I have ever done.  With that being said, I do not know if I could go through the craziness all again!

We woke up at the early hour of 5 AM to try and get a good spot in line at the tents.  Clare, Besty, Jane, Nicole, and I left our hotels a little before 6 AM to meet up with Kate, Sarah, and Bucks.  It was shocking to see how many people were up at this hour going to Oktoberfest!  I was so excited I could not even think about how early it was.  We finally got to the tents and rendezvoused with everyone a little before 7 AM and the tents opened at 9 AM.  It was PACKED with people, so we decided to make some friends in line, we would be spending the next few hours squashed up against them...We were waiting at the Hofbrauhaus tent, which was where we would be spending our entire day pretty much.  This tent is the largest of the Oktoberfest tents, holding 10,000 people.  Many American students studying abroad end up in this tent, so I was excited to see old friends!

When the doors opened, I have to say I have never been so scared!  People were stampeding into the tend to claim a table.  It was absolute madness, and such an adrenaline rush.  The HC crew got a very good table that fit all of us!  There had to be about fifteen people from Holy Cross at this point, and only more would be coming later in the day.  Within minutes of getting in the tent, the beer women handed out the liters and lots of pretzels.  We were all so happy and excited, it was a sign that it was going to be a great day!  I met up with some friends from West Hartford, which was so exciting.  Who would have thought that in a sea of 10,000 you would run into so many people you know...

After the tents, we headed back to rest up for the nighttime activities.  We had been up forever, and I needed a real from the madness!  Luckily our hotel was close, so it was an easy escape.  Later, Besty, Nicole, Jane, and I went back to Oktoberfest to check out the carnival and the food stands.  It almost reminded me a a German Big E.  I had some awesome roasted almonds and a beef sandwich, I was in heaven!  We then went on the ferris wheel, which was a great idea.  The views of the grounds were incredible!  I was still on such an adrenaline rush of being at Oktoberfest that I didn't even process how exhausted I was.  Eventually, we went back to the hotel to rest up and get ready to go home on Sunday!

I had such a fun day, I never wanted it to end!

Be back soon!



Getting ready! 

 So many people in line! 

First giant pretzel! 

This was about five minutes after entering...

Me, my friend TJ from West Hartford, and my friend Caroline from Northwest Catholic! 

HC Girls! 

View from the ferris wheel.

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