Sunday 7 September 2014

Simple Saturday

After a long few days of travel, I took Saturday as a day to get organized.  I slept in very late, caught up on a few items for class on Monday, and went around the City Centre.

It seems that Saturdays have become my day to go to the English Market.  The city is definitely starting to get busier with students moving in, it makes me so excited for classes to start!  I picked up some items for dinner last night, which was one of my dad's dinner specials.  I made chickpea, veggie, chicken sausage soup, and put it over rice.  It was delicious!  I was so excited to buy chicken sausage here, it had been taking me forever to find it!  I also caved in and bought a scone at the Market.  Every time I walk by the bakers booth they look so good, so I figured I had to try one so there was no more questioning about their warm, fresh goodness.  So none of you ever have to go through this horrible questioning when you come to Cork City, the scones lived up to their expectations and were amazing.  You'll have to get them so you can confirm my thoughts as well!

After the Market, I came back to the house and caught up with everyone back home in the States.  I even got to FaceTime Alina, my eyebrow savior, which was a fun surprise!  I got some cooking tips from Dad and Carolyn, and got a tease of Lox Stock from Maureen and Kath!

Later in the night we went to a UCC welcome Pub Crawl.  There were four pubs on the schedule for the night, a few of which were on our bucket lists!  It was such a fun night, and I met a lot of new people.  I finally met Anne's (one of my best friends at school) friend Mary Kate, who I have been dying to connect with!  I also caught up with an old STMS and NWC grad, Grace Hallinan, who is studying here for the semester.  Overall, the night was a lot of fun, and got me even more excited for the upcoming year!

Be back soon!  I am about to go find my classroom buildings for tomorrow, let my year as an upperclassmen begin!



My blueberry scone!

 St. Patrick's Street is getting busier!

Jane, me, Chelsea, and Mary Kate

Finally meeting up with Grace!

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