Saturday 6 September 2014


This weekend was my last Early Start field trip.  The best trip was definitely saved for last!  It was a busy day filled with lots of sightseeing.

We departed from UCC early Thursday morning, headed for the Cliffs of Moher.  On our way to the Cliffs, we drove through the town of Lahinch, in Co. Clare, Ireland.  This is where my mother, father, Nana, Big B, and Greg and Carolyn will be staying when then come to visit me.  It got me even more excited for their trip here!  After sitting in the bus for a few hours, we finally got to the Cliffs, it was definitely worth the wait.  I remember coming here with my family six years ago, but for some reason it seemed even more beautiful than I remembered (we had great weather, which was a plus)!  We had about an hour to wander around and explore the Cliffs, but I could have stayed there all day.  Every time I looked around, I saw something more beautiful than the last.  I took lots of pictures trying to catch every view!  This is at the top of my list to bring visitors to :)

After the Cliffs of Moher, we stopped at the Kilfenora Cathedral.  This was a tiny cathedral, most famous for its high crosses in the area.  We went inside the cathedral, and learned a little bit about the history and use of the building.  The construction of it was so gorgeous!  After leaving the cathedral, we took a quick photo stop at Laemaneh Tower House and Semi-Fortified House.  This was a large mansion, a part of the O'Brien family.  It was surprised by the condition it was in still.  The house was casually right off of the road, as if someone was still living in to today!  

We continued with our journey towards Galway by stopping at the Poulnabrone Portal tomb.  This is one of the most famous portal tombs in the area, and it is surrounded by stone.  There is very little grass on the ground.  It almost looked as if we were in a different world!  The site was very expansive, and a great place to walk around and enjoy the sunny day.

The next stop was at the Corcomroe Abbey, built in the 12th century.  This was a very quick stop! We looked around, took some pictures, and headed to Galway.

When we got to Galway, we went to dinner at The Dáil Bar.  It was so, so good.  I got a burger and toffee, banana pie.  It was heavenly.  Some of the girls in my class and I decided to explore the city after dinner for a little bit.  We stopped at a bar recommended by Sharon and Mollie, called the Hole in the Wall Bar.  It was a fun place!

We headed back early, because we had a busy day coming up to the Aran Islands!  

Be back soon!


The Cliffs of Moher

Me and Jane at the Cliffs

Kilfenora Cathedral

The Laemaneh Tower House and Semi-Fortified House

 Poulnabrone Portal Tomb

Poulnabrone grounds

Corcomroe Cisterian Abbey

 Galway City!

The Hole in the Wall Bar

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