Monday 29 September 2014

On the Road to Germany

Thursday was a full day of traveling to get to Germany.  I was so excited, my first trip abroad was finally here!  Nicole, Jane, and I began the day by leaving our apartments at 11 AM to catch a 12 PM bus in Cork to get to Dublin.  It was a really nice and warm day, so we walked to the bus station.  The bus was about three and a half hours, getting us to the airport at 3:30ish, which was perfect for our 5:45 flight.

When we settled in at the gate, we met up with a HC girl, Clare, who is studying in Galway.  It was so great seeing other Holy Cross kids studying abroad and hearing about their experiences.  It made the entire study abroad experience feel a little more real to me!  The flight was an easy one, only an hour and forty-five minutes.  And, a plus, they served food on the plane (I am never opposed to free food!).  We got to Munich airport close to 9 PM, Munich time, and met up with another HC girl, Betsy, who is studying in Scotland.  The group was slowly growing!  Betsy, Clare, Nicole, Jane, and I were all staying together at the Residence Inn in Munich.  We struggled to find the exit from the airport, but eventually made our way our and headed to the hotel!  The Munich subway system was very easy to figure out, we felt like pros!  Eventually, we made it to the hotel (with a little bit of directional issues), and immediately went to bed.  We had a long weekend ahead of us!

Be back with more details of the weekend!



Gearing up to go!

Clare, Nicole, and Jane patiently waiting! 

A gorgeous sunset (as well as a wing picture, because I know this will make Maureen laugh)

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