Sunday 7 September 2014

Ready for School!

Tomorrow is the first day of classes at UCC.  I took today as a day to find my bearings around campus and prepare for the big day!

I went to the gym later this afternoon, and on my way home I went to look for my classroom buildings.  I have two classes tomorrow, Social Geography and Cultures of Cities, a sociology class.  My first class is at 12, and that is Social Geography.  The building is really far away, but it is a very pretty walk to get there, so hopefully it will not be too bad!  Cultures of Cities is not until 4 pm, and it is right on the campus quad, not very far.  This is nice because I will have a good few hours to decompress in between classes.  

I only have one roommate so far, and I and supposedly getting two more.  The roommate I have now is named Karen.  She is an Irish student, from Co. Kerry.  Karen seems really sweet and I am looking forward to getting to know her!

More information to come tomorrow on my first day of class!

Be back soon!



UCC Gates

The River Lee running through campus 

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