Friday 12 September 2014

First Week Done

I survived my first week of classes at UCC!  The way classes are held in Ireland are much different than Holy Cross, but I am excited to experience the life of an Irish student for the year! I have no classes Friday, so it is officially the weekend :)

On Thursday, I had one class twice during the day, the Sociology of Class.  The lecturer seems really great, and super passionate about sociology.  I loved the class set up and the way she presented the material, so I have a feeling it is going to be a good semester.  Luckily, I have enjoyed all of my classes so far, especially my sociology ones.  There is one class I have not gotten to take yet, and that is my Social Geography class.  I have that on Monday, so once I take that I will have done my complete schedule!

After classes, I went for a run along the River Lee walk.  It was a new path I found, and it was very pretty!  We have had great weather so far here in Ireland.  I think I can only remember about two days of rain my entire time here so far!  I am getting spoiled and I am SO not ready for rainy season!

Friday is a day to explore the City Centre a little more.  Hopefully I will report back with some new hidden treasures!

Be back soon!



I ran downtown for some errands!  So pretty and colorful :)

One of the views on my run! 

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