Wednesday 17 September 2014

Feels Like Day One

For those of you that are dying from the suspense, I finished my paper!  Thank goodness it is out of the way, and I am (almost) officially done with Early Start.  Now, I just need to hand the paper in.  Finding the building may be harder than writing the actual paper...

I had two classes today, Sociology of the Community, and Politics of Church and State.  They went well!  I am a little less intimidated by my Politics and Church and State class after today.  The course is co-taught.  I had the second lecturer for this class, Jerome, who seemed really great.  His presentation of the information and Irish history was very clear for us visiting students.  I continue to love the sociology classes, two hours really flies by when I am enjoying the information.  It is crazy that I can sit through a two hour class here, at home I have a hard time sitting through an hour and fifteen minute one!

As a reward for finishing my paper, I went out to The Rock Bar with some of the HC and USD girls to grab a quick drink and listen to some trad music.  It was so packed!  It felt like the first day of UCC Orientation being back there.  The USD girls and I were reminiscing on how a little over a month ago we awkwardly ran into one another here after just meeting for the first time.  Crazy to think that after a month we are such good friends with them!  It has been hard to see them with Early Start ending, so it was great to catch up.  The music at The Rock was very good, and Danny, the owner, was so happy to see us back there.  I have a feeling Wednesdays at The Rock are going to become a routine!

TGIT tomorrow, because that means weekend!

Be back soon!


So many students!

The band (sorry it is dark)!

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