Tuesday 30 September 2014

Countdown Until My Family!

So, since it is Monday, that means I can start the countdown until Mom, Dad, Nana, Big B, Greg, and Carolyn come to visit! They arrive on Friday and I cannot wait!

Today was a typical Monday for me.  I went to my classes and got a little organized around the apartment.  The weather has still been gorgeous in Cork, around 65 and sunny!  I guess this is not typical for the city for this time of year.  Fingers crossed that it stays for the Fox family clan visit.  After class, I went to the local butcher on my street to get some food for the week.  He was so nice and wanted to know everything about my settling into the city.  I will definitely be going back there sometime soon!

I decided to take advantage of the good weather and run outside, because who knows how many more days I will have of this! It was such a gorgeous evening.  The park was filled with people, even at 8 PM!  I don't think I am ready for rain...

Later in the evening, I came home, cooked a little dinner, and caught up with my roommates on all of their weekends.  I am so lucky that have such great roommates.  Meadhbh and Orna have been talking about taking me home to their village next semester.  I am so excited, and it is so nice of them to think of me!

Be back tomorrow!


Gorgeous evening! 

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